Way to Go 4th Grade!
Congratulations to 4th Grade!
We had a 3rd-5th Grade Fasst Math Challenge last month to encourage all of our students to pass off the 1st step in Fasst Math, which is Addition!
Our 4th Graders really rocked it and are the winners of a Free Dress Down Day, and a Special Surprise from
Mrs. Rounds!
Indoor Recess-Kindergarten
Brrr…it’s a Cold, Snowy, Dreary,Icy kind of a Day- What are we going to do with our kids???
Once it’s Winter and it becomes too cold to head outside for recess, we choose to keep our students indoors for recess. Indoor Recess could be noisy, non-active and lead to a mess….but not in our rooms!
We have found a way to solve this problem…Here is an example of what we can do during
Indoor Recess here at Quest!
We can use the Wii to get our daily dose of Exercise!
Thanks Kindergarten for sharing this Video!
Class Spotlight
Here is a sample of a Comprehension Strategy in Action in one of our
3rd & 4th Grade Classrooms!
Check it out!
Happy Synthesizing!