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Quest Elementary

Indoor Recess-Kindergarten

Brrr…it’s a Cold, Snowy, Dreary,Icy kind of a Day- What are we going to do with our kids???

Once it’s Winter and it becomes too cold to head outside for recess, we choose to keep our students indoors for recess.  Indoor Recess could be noisy, non-active and lead to a mess….but not in our rooms!  

We have found a way to solve this problem…Here is an example of what we can do during

Indoor Recess here at Quest!

We can use the Wii to get our daily dose of Exercise!

Thanks Kindergarten for sharing this Video!  

Christmas Spirit

 At Quest we try to make every experience here a memory!  

Here are some fun traditions we have at our school during Christmas Time! 

Our Third Grade entered Grinchville!

Our Third Grade incorporated the themes of caring, responsibility, kindness into the Grinch activities, with each class having a grinch outside their door and students who exhibited kindness, caring, and responsibility were able to have a heart with their name placed on the Grinch. The goal was to fill the Grinch with hearts, There was also a rotation wherein the students were able to do a couple of art activities, sing a few grinchy songs, decorate a heart cookie donated by a local business, and make greenish flubber.

Our Fourth grade hosted its annual Polar Express Party on December 21st.

Students learned about the water cycle and then observed the water cycle in action while enjoying a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Students also had to decide which type of cloud (whipped topping) to enjoy on top of their hot chocolate. Students spent the week listening, reading, and viewing different versions of the polar express story and the compared characters, settings, main ideas, and plot differences between the versions. Special thanks to all parents who donated their time and purchased supplies to make this such a special and successful event.  integrating the Polar Express !

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Class Spotlight

Here is a sample of a Comprehension Strategy in Action in one of our

 3rd & 4th Grade Classrooms!

Check it out!

Happy Synthesizing!

Gotta Keep Reading!

Such a fun song to teach the kiddos!  Multiple teachers have taught it to their kiddos.  We as a staff sang it with the Third and Fourth Graders at lunch last week to Congratulate them in reading over 14,000 minutes in a month!   A couple classes were having a contest who could read the most – we were so proud of them we as in “Office Staff and Coaches”  with pom poms and all did a CHEER for them and then we taught them these songs!

Quest is the Best!!!

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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