Interesting news story about CODE…
Since we have all had CODE on our mind lately, I thought this was an interesting news story and wanted to share!
Have you completed your HOUR OF CODE?
Quest Academy participated in Hour of Code this past week! I am sure your children have been talking all about it! I know my First Grader has…He LOVED it and made sure I printed out his Certificate of Completion!

What is Computer Science?
Computer science develops students’ computational and critical thinking skills and shows them how to create, not simply use, new technologies. This fundamental knowledge is needed to prepare students for the 21st century, regardless of their ultimate field of study or occupation.
Why is it important for students to learn about computer programming?
- Computer Science is a top paying college degree
- By 2020 there will be 1,000,000 more computer science jobs than there are students
- Without computer science not much works
- There will always be jobs for coders
- Solving problems is never boring
- Making. Really. Cool. Things!
Now it is your turn…try it out!
If you child has been asking for more go to:
QR Codes
QR Codes were popular last year with our Tech Savvy Teachers and were a hit again at Back to School Night!
The teachers use them for a variety of lessons throughout the year and age group, but for Back to School Night, our teachers posted their very own QR Code for parents to quickly scan!
Included in these QR Codes, were their contact information and of course their school blog! ALL of our amazing teachers at Quest Academy use a Class Blog as their primary source of communication with their students and the parents!
Check out this cool video with Central Park using QR Codes!
Just another reason why…

Kid Pix 3D Third Grade Examples
Our wonderful Third Grade have been having fun with our new Digital Art Computer Program! Kid Pix 3D! It can do soooooooo many wondeful things and is a fantastic resource available for our teachers and students!
Here are a couple of examples of what this
3rd Grade class can do!
Using an iPad to teach!
This year at Quest we have been focusing on using a new teaching tool in our classrooms! An iPad! Every teacher at Quest has their own iPad to use as a Slate in the classroom! We provided our teachers with this tech savvy tool so that they could teach from anywhere in the classroom! This way they would not be stuck at the board all day! The students can use it as well as a resource while learning to strategies in class!
Another fabulous reason why we wanted our teachers to have an iPad, is because it makes it really easy for them to record their amazing lessons and post them on the blog for you to see! Extra COOL ha? As a parent, it is very important to me to know what my child is learning in class and to see how their teacher explains it!
I grabbed a few lessons from the past couple weeks that I noticed were posted on some of our teacher’s Class Blogs!
Amazing what Technology can do right?