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Don’t forget to buy your Turkey!!!

We hope you’re enjoying fall break! We just wanted to send a quick reminder about the Norbest Fundraiser going on right now.
Orders can be turned in until October 22nd and the cost of the certificates are $20 for a turkey up to 12 lbs, $25 for a turkey up to 16 lbs, and $30 for a turkey up to 20lbs. The certificates can be used for a turkey, a ham or vegetables.

Thanks for your support!


Positive Me Week

October 21-25

We want to make a positive difference in our school and in the world by making positive choices. During Positive Me week we will talk about some of the ways we can do this and have some fun activities. Here are the themes for the week:

Monday- Be Drug Free (Sign a pledge to be drug free)
Tuesday- Anti Bullying (Watch some video clips on bullying)
Wednesday- Healthy eating (Bring a healthy food to school for lunch, receive a bingo card of healthy activities you can do with your families)
Thursday- Positive Friendships (receive a friendship bracelet)
Friday- Make a Positive difference in the world (use sidewalk chalk to draw how you can make a positive difference)

We will be having an assembly Monday morning to kick off our events.

We would also like to encourage students to create a poster of a positive choice that they can make. These can be turned into the office at both schools and will be hung up to decorate our schools. They will be displayed until the end of the month and will be sent home on November 1.



4th Grade Power Points-Different Biomes in Utah

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Printmaking in Third Grade!

Don’t forget to invite your family to the WALK A THON!

Remember we are trying to raise $10,000 to get new technology in the hands of our students! 

If you can’t make it, make sure you send a donation with a student from Quest!

Go Rams! 


Note: Thursday October 3rd is the date or our FUN RUN and WALK A THON!

Students you will be walking a mile!

9:45 AM Morning Kindergarten
10:30 First Grade
11:00 Second Grade
11:30 Third Grade
12:00 Fourth Grade
12:30 Fifth Grade
1:30 PM Afternoon Kindergarten
2:00 Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth (fun run and walk a thon)

8:30 Morning Kinder, 4th and 5th 
12:30 Afternoon Kinder, 1st and 2nd and 3rd 

Integers in 7th Grade

I had the opportunity to go and peek in on a fabulous 7th Grade Math class learning about Integers on Monday! Some highlights that I wanted to share were that I loved seeing the students use the Clickers to input their test data, I also loved how the teacher was using her iPad as a slate to teach. She was able to walk around the room while teaching, rather then be stuck at the board. She also has the opportunity to record her lessons and embed them onto her blog so that parents and students can see how she as a teacher presented the lesson, it will help with absent kids needing to hear the lecture/lesson that was missed from not being in class. Finally, in this class period she took her kiddos outside to work with sidewalk chalk and do some actual activity on the number line!

Way to go kids!
















Important Dates to Remember!

September 27th! Dollar Dress Down Short Day!  All money collected will go to support our DRAMA CLUB!

Week of October 7th!upcoming-events1 Book Fair

October 7th! Picture Retakes 

October 9th and 10th! Conferences 

October 11th NO Kindergarten 

October 16-18th! Fall Break NO SCHOOL 

October 31! Short Day 9:00am HALLOWEEN PARADE with COSTUMES!  YAY!!!!

First Grade Making Connections!

IMG_3604Here at QUEST we have spent time on training our teachers to use some fabulous “Reading Strategies” that help make our students “THINK” while they read!   By having them THINK about their READING, it will help them understand, remember and comprehend their text.

Here is one of our First Grade Classes working on a strategy called “Making Connections.” 

The teacher started teaching their student’s what SCHEMA is, having them understand that your schema is all the information that you know, your prior knowledge, your experiences, the new facts you have read about and more!

 Friday, they were using the schema while listening to a book read aloud by their teacher.  They were to actually make a “connection” with a character from the Text.  

She had modeled to them the difference between a THICK and a THIN connections to make sure that they understood the importance of making a connection that was important to understanding the text first. 

Below are pics of her students recording their thoughts on paper and them singing a song to help them understand what SCHEMA really is!  


This is a GREAT strategy to use at home with your own child while you are listening to them read each night.  I bet they will be familiar with ScHeMa and Connections from their class also! 



Check out what is happening at our school in October! 

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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