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You can always learn with a song!!!!

Our Fifth graders are learning about decimals! Check out these boys singing a fun song to help them master the concept of Place Value and Decimals!

Check out the fun Bulletin Boards from our K-4 Building

I love the beginning of the year buzz!  The excitement in the air!  Children’s faces are so eager to learn and teachers can’t wait to meet their new students!  I have always enjoyed wondering the halls of an Elementary Building…why? The Bulletin Boards!  Such hard work and creativity goes into them!  Here are some of our fabulous ones in our K-4 Building!

Click to play this Smilebox collage

QR Codes

IMG_0800 IMG_0799QR Codes were popular last year with our Tech Savvy Teachers and were a hit again at Back to School Night!

The teachers use them for a variety of lessons throughout the year and age group, but for Back to School Night, our teachers posted their very own QR Code for parents to quickly scan!  

Included in these QR Codes, were their contact information and of course their school blog!  ALL of our amazing teachers at Quest Academy use a Class Blog as their primary source of communication with their students and the parents!

Check out this cool video with Central Park using QR Codes!

Just another reason why…
quest is the best

WelCOmE BaCk!!!

Glitter Words



Glitter Words

Mark your Calendars!


Back to School Night: August 15th 5:30pm

First Day of School:  August 19th

Picture Day: August 22nd


Dr. Dave Bullock

I’m sure you have heard the news! We now have a Principal!  Dr. Dave Bullock! Here is a little bit about him!
He graduated from the U of U  with a BA in Early Childhood Education. A couple years later he graduated with a Masters in Educational Administration from Grand Canyon University, and in 2011 he finished a doctoral program from Walden that focused on classroom management and behavior.
During the summer, he teaches a class at the U of U entitled Integrated Curriculum.
Dave has taught kindergarten for five years, first grade for three years, and was the assistant principal at Woods Cross Elementary for the last two years. He is very passionate about teaching and he especially loves working with children!
He is so excited to learn everything he can about Quest Academy.
Dave is a family man.
He has been married 11 years.   They have  one girl (Sami–age 8 ) and three boys (Brady–age 6, Ethan–age 3, and Koleman–19 months). He currently lives in Woods Cross and are the proud owners of three pet fish.
We are proud to have him here at Quest! 

                      Don’t forget…                                                                                             

     and have a wonderful Summer Break~! 

Remembering 5th Grade

Nice Job Mrs. McMillin’s Class!

Quest’s First Play

Way to go Mrs. Richins and Mrs. Dunmeyer!


Fasst Math Party


Congratulations to all of these

Math Whiz Kids!

To celebrate the students that completed their Fasst Math Goal- they got to participate in playing Math Games today!

Way to go!

We are so so so so proud of you!

Click to play this Smilebox collage

As you can see below as each child passes off an operation he or she’s name goes up on our school bulletin board and their name is also put on our television right by the office in Quest Elementary!  We want them to know how much we appreciate their hard work on Mastering their Facts! They also get a special Chant or Cheer from the office and a Certificate!  

Click to play this Smilebox collage

A BIG Thanks Mrs. Larsen for putting this party together!!!

Also, I huge thanks to our FABULOUS teachers! They have been working hard integrating DAILY Fluency Practice in their schedule, helping the students learn multiple ways to add, subtract, multiply and divide!

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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