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Quest 2.0 Upcoming Events

Hello Parents and 6th-9th grade Students!!!!

Student Council is sponsoring some February activities that they would like to make you aware of:
“Have a HEART food drive:”  This canned food drive will be going on all through the month of February.  Please bring in non expired canned food to the 2.0 building. All donated food will be sent to the Utah Food Bank.  The Utah Food Bank runs low on canned goods after the holiday season, so this is a wonderful time to think of others and donate canned food.
Friend Grams:  Friend grams will be for sale for a quarter in the front lobby of 2.0 starting on Weds. the 7th.  Fifth through ninth graders may purchase a “Friend Gram” that will be delivered to their friend on Valentines day.  All money raised will go to future junior high activities.
Love to Bowl!!:  The second annual Love to Bowl activity for 6th – 9th graders  will be held at Fat Cats in Ogden on Friday, February 15th.  The cost is $2.50, which is a fantastic deal and does include the shoe rental.  Tickets need to be purchased in advance at 2.0, beginning tomorrow and will be on sale through February 13th.  Bowling will begin at 4:30 pm.  Please note that this is not a supervised activity, and drop off and pick up plans need to be made with your child.
Student Council hopes that you will participate in these activities!!

Spirit Store Coming Soon!!!!!!

Guess What???

We are going to have our VERY OWN

This great store  will be ran by the 5th grade students and any parent volunteers that we can find. These students will be randomly selected, but all 5th graders will be given some type of job at one point through out the year (given they meet the requirements that all their school work be completed).

We are set to open Friday, Feb 8th.
The store hours will be every Friday from 8-8:20 a.m. and every early out Friday from 1-1:20 p.m.
The store will be located in the 2.0 bldg, in the 5th grade hall next the the stairs.
At this point we are still working on merchandise, but in general we will have school supplies, Quest Logo items and small trinkets and odds and ends.
We well get a detailed list put together prior to opening to send home so parents have an idea of how much money items will cost and what will be available.
Through out the remainder of the year, teachers will also be handing out some type of “Quest Money” that students can spend in the store on certain days only…. More info on that to come as we work out all the details.
                                                             Check back soon for more information on our SCHOOL STORE!
If you want to volunteer or help out please contact Brittney Hale from POQA at

4th Grade Math Fluency Party

Yesterday we celebrated a little Addition Math Fluency party with the 4th Grade at lunch!  The 4th Graders were the winners of our Math Challenge between 3rd-5th Grade! 

We surprised them with Fat Boys for dessert, a special cheer from our Coaches and Principal, and a Math Movie!   We also had a special guest visitor from one of our neighborhood police officers who came and congratulated the kiddos!

Q-U-E-S-T Here at Quest we’re fast at facts.


Practice and Memorize ’til we’re Satisfied!

4th Graders are the FASST MATH PROS!

Shout it out loud so everybody knows!




Standard Examinar

We are lucky to have such an amazing Principal! Once again we are in the news all because of her splendid idea!!!

Check out the link above if you missed us in today’s paper!



Kindergarten and 2nd grade won the contest for most Box Tops and Coke lids collected for the 2nd quarter!!

The reward for this competition is a free dress down day.

Kindergarten (both classes) has decided to use the free dress down day on Wednesday, January 30 to also celebrate the 100th day of school!

Please ask your 2nd grade teachers when your dress down day is!

The “Water Van” came to visit 4th Grade!

What a “Wonderful” way to learn about the “Water Cycle!”

Reading Strategy Skits

These 4th graders have been working really hard on creating these skits explaining how each strategy works!  Super Job 4th Grade!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Papa Murphy’s Pizza

Everybody come out and support our school!!!

WHEN: Monday, January 28th

HOW: By grabbing dinner at the Papa Murphy’s in Clinton!

All day tomorrow, 15% of sales, with our school flier, will come back to us!

If your child did not receive a flier, check your email.  

Pass them out to your friends and family and help out our amazing school!!

Remember: Quest is the Best!

Happy Eating! 


Did you know…


Thank You Officers!

Our student’s have been really enjoying the fact that we have Police Officers roaming the halls, visiting classrooms and working in the office.  

One of our 4th grade classes even wrote Thank You Cards for them!  

Today they came back to eat lunch with our 4th grade to show their appreciation!  

We love our “Cops!” 

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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