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A Few Pics from our Wax Museum at Quest

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The Inbody 230- Max Muscle

Since we have been doing a Health Challenge for the past 7 weeks- we decided to invite James from Max Muscle came out to our school to run  a body analysis scan on any employee that wanted to!  It was a great way to help keep us going strong on our Health Challenge for the remainder weeks! 

It was a fabulous turn out.  It is so amazing how we are all working together to live a strong and healthy life.  Being healthy is so important and we want to model that to our students and everyone around us.  

If you would like to learn more about the Body Scan, please read below!

Max Muscle Inbody 230 Information

James worked with each teacher helping them to learn what they need to do to better themselves  now and the future.  He is very knowledgable!  I went to his store and actually have purchases some of his products and really love them and believe in them.  

If you would like a Body Scan done, go to Max Muscle in Layton and ask for James.  

It is very affordable and you will love what you learn about your body! 


Happy Healthy Living! 

Charms for Reading Bingo!

the Nifty Fifties = AMAZING!

Way to go Mrs. Richin’s and Mrs. Dunmeyer!  You are class act and deserve a HUGE round of applause.  I took my family to the Saturday Matinee and we all thoroughly enjoyed it!  My daughter who is is Kinder, is counting down the days until she can be in the Drama Club!  Keep up the great work!  Quest loves our Drama Club!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


Novel Premiere Night in 5th Grade

The red carpet opened  at 6 p.m.! Students came in best dress and popcorn and refreshments were served.  It was an awesome experience watching the Blockbuster Movie Trailers! 
(made in our Mac Lab using iMovie)

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

March Info!

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week, March 5th and 6th, from 3:30 to 7:30. March 7th is an early out day, but there will not be school wide PTC on the 7th.
Contact teachers or see classroom blogs for more information.

Next week we will also have our book fair. Here is the link if you would like to volunteer

Spring pictures for all students will be March 11th. This is a free dress down day. Email if you would like to volunteer. We need 2 runners.

If you would like a yearbook this year, orders must be in by March 9th. There will not be an opportunity to buy one after that date.

March 3-7th is Dr. Seuss Week for grades K-5.  
See the school’s google calendar for more information

Short Day and Dress Down Day Friday, Feb. 28th

Friday is a short day and is also a dollar dress down day. If students choose to dress down, they need their dollar first thing in the morning and dollars will be collected in the classroom.

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Rams News

to the Quest Academy Blog! We are so glad you came to visit! This is a place where we will showcase some of the fabulous teaching moments or events that happen here at our school! Happy Blogging!

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