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Special Guest

2013-09-04 12.06.59 2013-09-04 12.13.30 2013-09-04 12.13.50 2013-09-04 12.14.24Bee2

Dane Allred is a local bee keeper in our community.  This is a hobby of his that he loves! He came to Quest last week to share his knowledge about honey bees and their part in helping pollinate all of our yummy crops!  Bees really are incredible insects!


On average, a worker bee in the summer lasts six to eight weeks.  

The most common cause of  death in bees is that they wear out their wings!

During the six to eight week period their average honey production is 1/12 teaspoon.

In that short lifetime, they fly the equivalent of 1 1/2 times the circumference of our Earth!

Thanks again Mr. Allred for coming to Quest and sharing new information to our students here at Quest! 


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