Pizza Eating Contest
Before the break we finished our Quest Academy Health Challenge!
We actually lost over 400 pounds all together in this contest! It was amazing to see everyone work hard to live a healthy life!
On our last day, some of our staff entered in a Pizza Eating Contest! They had missed their pizza – since they did not eat any for 10 weeks
Her is a short video of the contest!
Happy Eating!
Attention Artists!
It’s that time again! Time to create your entry for the Yearbook Cover Contest!
We will have two year books! K-5th and 6th-9th!!!
Each book will have a front and a back cover chosen!
Entries need to include:
Quest Academy Charter School 2013-2014
No copyrighted materials
Formatting: 8.5″x11″ Letter Size
Portrait Orientation
Artists may use any medium as long as it fits the perimeters listed above.
Turn entries into Mrs. Islas by December 20th at 1:00pm
Good Luck and Happy Drawing!
We will have two year books! K-5th and 6th-9th!!!
Each book will have a front and a back cover chosen!
Entries need to include:
Quest Academy Charter School 2013-2014
No copyrighted materials
Formatting: 8.5″x11″ Letter Size
Portrait Orientation
Artists may use any medium as long as it fits the perimeters listed above.
Turn entries into Mrs. Islas by December 20th at 1:00pm
Good Luck and Happy Drawing!