Dr. Seuss Week – March 4-8
Literacy Night – March 7th 6:00-7:30pm
K-4 lunch room
Monday – kids wear red
Tuesday – kids wear silly hats and ties
Wednesday – kids wear silly socks and shoes
Thursday – nothing – they can dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character at Literacy Night
Friday – silly hair day – like Dr. Seuss character or not – no hair paint
Posters – kids will be encouraged to make a poster with their favorite Dr. Seuss quote on it to be displayed in the K-4 foyer. This is not a contest. Posters are due by Feb. 28th. They will be hung on Mar. 1st. A flier will be sent home the week before.
Door Decorating Contest – Teachers will decorate classroom doors with Dr. Seuss crafts made by the kids. Prizes will be given to each class that wins. The only category is MOST CREATIVE. There will be one door chosen from each grade. Doors need to be ready by March 4th. There are lots of cute ideas on the internet, particularly pinterest.com.
Reading – Each class will be encouraged to read as many Dr. Seuss books as they can during the week. The class who has read the most Dr. Seuss books will get prizes.
Lunchtime – We will be showing Dr. Seuss video clips during lunch. Each day, we will have a “Quote of the Day.” Students can try to complete a Dr. Seuss quote and be entered into a daily drawing by grade. Each day, we will draw names and the first five students drawn with the correct answer will get a pass for a free dress down day. Kindergarten classes will be given the opportunity each day in class to participate.
In an effort to get students and families to attend, the choir will be performing from 6:30-7:00pm. All activities will stop while they perform. Eddie Green is coming up with a fun program that involves reading part of The Lorax, performing a skit and singing some songs from it. We hope this will get people to attend as it involves 70-80 choir students! It’s going to be really cute and fun!
We will have four stations/projects going on during and after the choir performance:
1. Photo Op – We will have a backdrop with photo props to use for having their pictures taken. We will let parents know to bring their own cameras to take as many pictures as they want. Photo props would be things on a stick like Lorax moustaches. They can take the photo prop home with them.
2. Bookmarks – Kids can make bookmarks to take home.
3. Twister – This was a huge hit last year, so we’re doing it again.
4. Seed Planting – In keeping with The Lorax theme, kids will be able to plant “Truffula” seeds and take them home.
Contest: We will have a fish bowl (as in 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish) with gummy fish in it. Kids can try to guess how many fish are in the bowl. The closest wins a Kindle and the bowl of fish. This is only for those who attend Literacy Night, not a school-wide contest.
We will be handing out a free Dr. Seuss book to each family that attends.