iPhoto in First Grade
One of the Technology Standards in First Grade is to teach them how to use a PC and a Mac Computer. By doing this our students become familiar with specifics programs in each platform.
Today, in our Mac Lab, a First Grade class came in to learn how to use iPhoto. The students started by learning how to use Photo Booth, next they took a picture of them self using the camera built in the computer, they imported the image into iPhoto and then finally Edited the image. During the editing process they learned how to crop, and change effects.

Today, in our Mac Lab, a First Grade class came in to learn how to use iPhoto. The students started by learning how to use Photo Booth, next they took a picture of them self using the camera built in the computer, they imported the image into iPhoto and then finally Edited the image. During the editing process they learned how to crop, and change effects.