end of the year Programs…
I love this time of year! We are almost done with our end of level testing and as I walk down the halls, I hear the voices of students! There are many end of year programs coming up here at Quest… this class grabbed my attention so I went in and took a peek at what they were working on! They were doing so well! I can’t wait to see the finished project!
Here’s a sneak peek of this 3rd Grade Classroom preparing for their end of year program! The best part is it is all about GRAMMAR!
This is just enough to tease you… you will definitely want to see more! I’ll keep you posted on our end of year programs soon!
*Thanks for letting me pop in and grab this footage Mrs. Waddell!
Here’s a sneak peek of this 3rd Grade Classroom preparing for their end of year program! The best part is it is all about GRAMMAR!
This is just enough to tease you… you will definitely want to see more! I’ll keep you posted on our end of year programs soon!
*Thanks for letting me pop in and grab this footage Mrs. Waddell!
Have you completed your HOUR OF CODE?
Quest Academy participated in Hour of Code this past week! I am sure your children have been talking all about it! I know my First Grader has…He LOVED it and made sure I printed out his Certificate of Completion!

What is Computer Science?
Computer science develops students’ computational and critical thinking skills and shows them how to create, not simply use, new technologies. This fundamental knowledge is needed to prepare students for the 21st century, regardless of their ultimate field of study or occupation.
Why is it important for students to learn about computer programming?
- Computer Science is a top paying college degree
- By 2020 there will be 1,000,000 more computer science jobs than there are students
- Without computer science not much works
- There will always be jobs for coders
- Solving problems is never boring
- Making. Really. Cool. Things!