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First Grade Making Connections!

IMG_3604Here at QUEST we have spent time on training our teachers to use some fabulous “Reading Strategies” that help make our students “THINK” while they read!   By having them THINK about their READING, it will help them understand, remember and comprehend their text.

Here is one of our First Grade Classes working on a strategy called “Making Connections.” 

The teacher started teaching their student’s what SCHEMA is, having them understand that your schema is all the information that you know, your prior knowledge, your experiences, the new facts you have read about and more!

 Friday, they were using the schema while listening to a book read aloud by their teacher.  They were to actually make a “connection” with a character from the Text.  

She had modeled to them the difference between a THICK and a THIN connections to make sure that they understood the importance of making a connection that was important to understanding the text first. 

Below are pics of her students recording their thoughts on paper and them singing a song to help them understand what SCHEMA really is!  


This is a GREAT strategy to use at home with your own child while you are listening to them read each night.  I bet they will be familiar with ScHeMa and Connections from their class also! 


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