Don’t forget to come to our SCHOOL CARNIVAL!
Only 2 more days!
Weather looks great!
Please join us for our
School Carnival from
5:30-8:00pm on Friday, May 16th!
My kids personally love the PIE toss at the teachers 
Spring Stomp!
7th-9th grades: This Friday, March 14th will be the Spring Stomp!! Put your dancing shoes on and come have some fun!! The stomp will be from 6-8 p.m. Parents, we ask that you are at the school promptly at 8 p.m. to pick up your student. Just a reminder that this stomp is for 7th-9th junior high students that attend Quest Academy.

We are the BEST of the BEST

Now is your time to nominate your favorite school (us), teacher, administrator and or board member! Take time to nominate individuals who have dedicated their time and made a difference in your life!
Best of the Best!
As in year’s past, we (Utah Association of Public Charter Schools) need your help to find and recognize the excellence in Utah’s charter schools, leadership, and educational and financial professionals. Please take the time to nominate individuals and schools in the following areas who have demonstrated their dedication to high quality education, commitment to innovation and strengthening the charter school movement – one school or student at a time!
Director/Administrator of the Year
Charter School Board of the Year
It’s time for our first STOMP!!!!
Attention 7th, 8th and 9th Graders!!!
When: Friday, September 6th
Where: Q2 Building
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Stomp is FREE!

We will have concessions so bring some cash!!!
Quest’s First Play
Way to go Mrs. Richins and Mrs. Dunmeyer!