We had an awesome first day of school I am so impressed with our class. I hope they had as much fun as I did. Ask them about our classroom rules (see if they can sing you our song) and if they can remember our morning song we sang. Also ask them about our behavior chart and what happens if they move their clothespin to the top and what happens if they move to the bottom.
Click below to view our classroom rules.
Rules Posters
Parking Lot Change: At the end of the day I thought I was going to be able to stay with the students the first two weeks but administration has asked that I go to the back of the building starting tomorrow. I will walk them out to the front of the school, in front of the Kindergarten classrooms (where they were today). After that if they have a meeting spot with you they can go there. Make sure your student knows exactly where to meet you. I had a lot of students that seemed confused.
I was hoping to get to take a picture of each of your students on their first day but we ran out of time. I will be taking a picture of them tomorrow so you can see how they change from now compared to the end of the school year.
Thank you parents for all of your help and support!
Mrs. Bischoff