POQA Reminders

First, it is time to submit nominations for the 2016-2017 POQA Board.  The following positions are open, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  This is a great way to continue to make Quest the BEST!!!  If you would like to submit a nomination for yourself or nominate someone else, fill out the form located in the Q1 and Q2 offices and return it to Angelee in the Q1 office by Friday, April 29th.

Second, our school Carnival is going to be 
May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to https://squareup.com/store/poqa to purchase pre-sell tickets.

Please don’t forget tonight is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a in Riverdale from 5-7PM.  Mention Quest Academy and they will donate 25% back to the school.  Please share this with family and friends.

POQA Board

Thank you for helping make Quest the BEST!

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