Picture Day

Wear school UNIFORMS (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Look for the picture day flyer in the blue homework folder.
You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questacad2016
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)
See flyer for additional payment options. Quest Picture Day Flyer 2016
Click above for the link to pictures of our silent signals that we use in class. If you can practice these with your child as well as the classroom rules (See Class Disclosure) so they don’t forget that would be great! Also ask your child about the following:
1. What is the “magic” word?
2. What happens after Mrs. Bischoff says “Hands and Eyes?”
3. What happens after Mrs. BIschoff says “Mirror?”
4. What do they listen for when closing their glue and markers?
It was a GREAT first week! It is going to be hard for the next couple of weeks as they transition into full days. Talk to your child about eating ALL their lunch so they aren’t hungry and we will do plenty of brain breaks to keep them going.
PLEASE HAVE YOUR STUDENT BRING THEIR BLUE FOLDERS BACK TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY! They will be marking their behvaior charts at the end of everyday.