1. We are publishing a professionally-bound book!  Two pages of the book will be created solely by your own child!

You have the opportunity to order a copy of the book.  You may choose to order astandard-bound copy for $19.95 (features full-color printing and a glossy 8.5 x 11″ hardcover) or a deluxe-bound copy for $24.90 (features an 8.5 x 11″ matte cover for a sophisticated smudge-resistant finish and is bound with thicker, more durable cerulean blue end-sheets). Keep your eye out for a green paper with an order form coming home in your child’s backpack on Monday, March 6th.  

Orders must be turned in to our classroom no later than TUESDAY, MARCH 14th. If we receive ALL order forms back by the deadline (including those checked “NO, I am not interested…,”) our class will receive a free copy of the book to add to our classroom library!

ORDER ONLINE: There is an option to pay online. You will need to record theAUTHORIZATION CODE you receive after payment onto the paper order form and submit the paper order form to our classroom. It is necessary for us to have the signed paper form whether you order or not, and whether you order online or not. Click here to order online (click here): Published Book Online Payments and be sure to choose “PRE-ORDER” (not “Order Copies”).

2. Due to the end of the quarter there is NO school this upcoming Friday! Please double check your child’s grades this week and have all assignments and homework turned in by Thursday! 

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