- The weather is getting colder and colder. Please make sure your child has apporpriate jackets and coats to go outside. They will be going outside every day until the temperature drops below 20 degrees.
2. Library day is on Thursdays! Make sure your child is bring their library books to school to return every Thursday.
3. NO homework during the Thanksgiving break! However, your child will receive a BOOK IT coupon for reading 20 minutes every night for the month of November. If your child would like to continue to read over the break please record their reading minutes so that I can count them for the BOOK IT coupon.
4. If your child has their moon journals I will start collecting them the week we get back from Thanksgiving break if they are already done I will take them this week.
- How it works:
- Visit: smile.amazon.com
- Log in
- Choose: Quest Academy Inc (be sure it is the West Haven, Utah one)
- Use Amazon the way you usually do. It will now say below the search bar “Supporting: Quest Academy Inc.”
- In the future, instead of going to amazon.com, you can use smile.amazon.com
- Thank you for supporting our school!

Please do not encourage your students to go door to door but only sell to those they know. The popcorn is gluten free.
Please return the order forms and money to the Q1 or Q2 office by November 30th. There are 2 delivery date options, December 4th or 11th. Parents will need to pick up orders between 2-3:30PM in the Q1 Gym.
We are excited to announce that the funds raised from this event will be designated to field trips, clubs and future activities for all the students at Quest Academy.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the POQA Board.