1. January book orders are due tomorrow Friday January 29th by the end of school at 1pm. Please go online and get those books ordered!
2. Hip Hip Hooray! It’s almost the 100th Day of School!
The 100th Day of School lands on Wednesday, February 3 and we are excited to celebrate! Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like! Just a couple guidelines:
* Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves
* No food items (per Quest policy)
*Please no items that have been banned (like Pokemon cards)
*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring
3. Please fill out and sign this permission slip for your child to participate in our Valentines party. See previous post for details.
4. Addition and Subtraction Fact Memorization: in the upcoming weeks, we will be focusing on double-digit addition and subtraction. This is a very challenging unit for kids who do not yet have their addition and subtraction facts memorized! You may memorize math facts as your math activity practice. This will also help with our weekly math timings! Please utilize the following links to create flashcards and work on memorization of facts up to 20:
- Printable Addition Flashcards: http://www.memory-improvement-tips.com/support-files/addition-0-12-vertical.pdf
- Printable Subtraction Flashcards: http://www.memory-improvement-tips.com/support-files/subtraction-0-12-vertical.pdf
- Addition Strategies Flashcards: http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2015/01/Addition-Flash-Cards.pdf
5. Tower of Book Challenge
Our school library’s “Tower of Book Challenge” is still active. Here are the latest results from the 1st grade classes:
First Step– Print the challenge form: 1st Grade Tower of Books Challenge
Second Step– Read 5 books from the listed categories
Third Step– Bring the challenge form WITH parent signature to the library (before or after school)
Fourth Step- Assemble the foldable paper book you will receive from the librarian
Fifth Step– Return assembled paper book, receive a PRIZE and begin again
Book Categories (choose any 5)
1 Alphabet book
1 Story that rhymes
1 Book of poems
1 Fairy tale
1 Magazine article
1 Book from a series you have not read
1 Mystery
1 Holiday
2 “Non-fiction” books on the same topic
1st Grade: Books Stacked
Bischoff – 3 (How sad is that!)
Dunmeyer – 28
Hills/Teichert – 10
Nelson – 8
Vella – 24
First Step– Print the challenge form: 1st Grade Tower of Books Challenge
Second Step– Read 5 books from the listed categories
Third Step– Bring the challenge form WITH parent signature to the library (before or after school)
Fourth Step- Assemble the foldable paper book you will receive from the librarian
Fifth Step– Return assembled paper book, receive a PRIZE and begin again
Book Categories (choose any 5)
1 Alphabet book
1 Story that rhymes
1 Book of poems
1 Fairy tale
1 Magazine article
1 Book from a series you have not read
1 Mystery
1 Holiday
2 “Non-fiction” books on the same topic