Great deal for our 5th-grade skiers!

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Holiday party success!

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Holiday party permission slip

Families, please sign the below holiday party permission slip. Our party will be Friday, 17 December and we are planning to play a few classroom games and watch a holiday movie. Please contact me if you have any questions at all. Thank you, and enjoy this holiday season!

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6-10 December

Welcome to another week! In Math, we are starting Lesson 14 on adding and subtracting fractions and decimals in word problems and ELA this week, discussing and reading stories about things we can learn from other cultures.

As a reminder, we take our weekly assessments on Fridays so please make sure if your student is not ill that they attend school. If you know in advance that your student will not be attending on a Friday please let me know so I can make arrangements to have them take their assessment on Thursday. Message me with any questions at all.


  • 11:15-Computer Science
  • 3:00-Math tutoring


  • 11:15-Science


  • 11:15-Writing
  • 3:00-Math tutoring


  • 11:00-Library
  • 11:30-Character development


  • ELA assessment
  • Math assessment
  • 1:00-Early out

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Nov 29-Dec 3

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving break. This week we are reviewing and completing our Unit 2 assessment in ELA and in Math, we are subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.


  • Computer Science 11:15-12:10pm
  • Tutoring 3:00-3:30pm


  • Science 11:15-12:10pm


  • Writing 11:15-12:10pm
  • Tutoring 3:00-3:30pm


  • Discovery Gateway’s visit to our 5th-grade classroom 8:35-9:25am
    • Just a reminder, if you are paying your donations for each individual activity/field trip, $2 donations can be paid at the Q1 office this week. Your support is greatly appreciated.
  • Library 11:00-11:30am (library books due)
  • Character Education 11:30-12:10pm


  • Angel tree dress down
  • Early out 1:00pm


The 5th annual Reindeer Run

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8-12 November

Thank you so much to all the families that came out to parent-teacher conferences last week, it was so great to get to spend time with you and fill you in on the amazing things your student has been up to. If you didn’t have a chance to meet with me last week but would still like to get together just send me an email and I will be happy to work out a time.

Reminder to those that I spoke with about math tutoring, it will be held Monday and Wednesday from 3-3:30.

Below are the links to this week’s ELA and Math lesson (add/subtract decimals).

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Field trip fun

Such a great field trip! I hope your student had as much fun as their teacher did. Thank you so much to my amazing parent volunteers!

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October 25-29

What a fun, busy, and exciting week of learning we have to look forward to!

Reminder, our field trip that was canceled last week is rescheduled for this Wednesday.

When you have a moment please sign the Halloween food permission slip in my post from Friday as well as sign up for the parent-teacher conference (3-4 November **Also both of those days are early dismissal at 1:00, so please plan accordingly), just select a date and time that works best for you. I can make a Zoom meeting available if you are unable to attend in person, just include in the comments section you request a Zoom meeting.

The Halloween parade is this Friday at 9:00am, please have your student come to school in their costume since there will not be much time in between when they arrive and the parade. Weather permitting the parade will be outside, please refer to the e-mail sent last week from the administration with all the fun details. Just a friendly reminder no weapons or blood are to be included with their costumes.


  • 11:15-12:10 Computer Science
  • 3:00-3:30 Math Tutoring


  • 11:15-12:10 Science


  • 9:30-12:00 Field trip to Greene Acres// We leave Quest at 9:30 and return at 12:00, students will need to be in uniform and plan accordingly for the weather.
  • 3:00-3:30 Math Tutoring


  • 11:00-11:30 Library-please remind students to bring their library book with them that day.
  • 11:30-12:10 Character Education


  • 9:00 Halloween parade, immediately followed by the Halloween party.
  • 1:00 Early dismissal at 1:00

Math-Lesson 8, reading and writing decimals

ELA-Unit 2 Week 3

Please let me know if you have any questions at all and have a great week.

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Parent-teacher conference signup

Families, please use the below link to signup for parent-teacher conferences. I look forward to meeting with you all.

Parent-teacher signup form

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Halloween party permission slip

Please click on the following link to access our Halloween party permission slip. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Happy Halloween!

Halloween party permission slip

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