September 25-29

Welcome to another week!

Reminders from the front office:

Quest families,

Please read to the end for this week’s important information and reminders.


Elementary picture day and Junior High make-up picture day will be on Tuesday, September 26th. You may pre-order photo packets using the QR code on the attached flyer. This is a uniform picture day for ID badges and yearbooks.

**Please note: If you pre-order online, you do not need to send the photo envelope back on picture day. 

Also, we would love to have some volunteers to help picture day run as smoothly as possible. If you are able to help that day, please sign up HERE.


We have partnered with Lifetouch for our yearbooks this year, so all yearbook purchases will be made through their link HERE.

  • Elementary ID code: 15110624
  • Junior High ID code: 15110524


All remaining apparel from the August 25th order will be sent home with your student today.  

The Apparel Store will open for the final time this year on Tuesday, October 2, and will remain open until Friday, October 6. 


Please note the important dates below:

  • Monday, September 25th: Last day for cookie dough sales. Spooky Speedsters will be handed out for elementary beginning at 8:00am
  • Tuesday, September 26th: All orders entered into the app and money turned into the office. Spooky Speedsters will be handed out for elementary beginning at 8:00am
  • Thursday, October 19th:  Cookie dough will be delivered to the school. Please plan to pick up all orders that day as we cannot store anything overnight.


Please Subscribe to lunch account updates through your Aspire account so you can easily keep your student’s account current. 

**PLEASE NOTE: Any student with an account below –$10.00 will call home for payment.


Please opt in for our text reminders by texting the word ALERT to 22300.

Thank you for all you do to help make Quest the BEST!

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Sept 18-22

Welcome to another great week! We have started math tutoring on Mondays and Wednesdays, and it’s already been a great success. If your student has expressed concerns about math and I have not contacted you please feel free to let me know.

Our cookie dough/beef jerky fundraiser starts Monday, I will be sending home information about it early this week. Contact me with questions you may have, if I can’t answer them I can certainly find someone who can.

Also, mark your calendar for picture day on the 26th of September. Forms will be coming home this week to order photos. This is the photo that will go on their badge, and in the yearbook so they must be in uniform. We do take Spring pictures at the end of the year where they can choose what to wear but for this first one, it is uniform only.

Thank you,

Mrs. Robinson

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September 11-15

Another great week! As mentioned previously I will start math tutoring tomorrow (Monday) after school from 3:15-3:45 pm. Tutoring will be each week on Mondays and Wednesdays just after school. I will send an email if your student could benefit from tutoring. Tutoring is used to help students with previously taught standards and those students who have been absent.

This week in math we will begin lesson 6, In this lesson, students will expand their understanding of place values to include decimals to the thousandth place. They learn that for both whole numbers and decimals, a digit in one place not only has ten times the value it would have in the place to its right but also has one-tenth the value it would have in the place it’s left. This means we will be using the multiply and dividing skills we have learned over the past few weeks and expanding our knowledge of numbers.

In ELA we will continue to discuss how we can re-read to compare characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text. We will discuss the genre of realistic fiction and r-controlled vowels.

Important reminders:

  • Fall picture day will be September 26th.
  • There is no parking allowed in the faculty parking lot.
  • You can subscribe to lunch account updates through Aspire, so you can keep up to date on your child’s lunch account balance. *Do this by clicking on the subscribe button on the top right corner after you log in to Aspire.
  • Opt-in for text reminders by texting the word ALERT to 22300.

As always thank you for your continued support! Mrs. Robinson

Bitmoji Image

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Sept 5-8


I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend! We had another busy week, we started into long division in math and will continue that next week. I will begin Math tutoring the week after this one and tutoring will be held from 3:15-3:45 Mondays and Wednesdays. Families can expect an email from me if their child would benefit. If your child expresses concern with math and I haven’t emailed you please let me know and I can add them in.

In ELA we will be discussing how we can reread to compare characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text and our genre focus will be on realistic fiction. We have a set of new vocabulary and spelling words attached below, including what we will be further discussing.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you,

Mrs. Robinson

have a good week

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Aug 28-Sept 1


Yet another great week! I hope your child is enjoying their day as much as I am. I have loved getting to know them and watching them get to know and work with each other. Our 5th-grade family is coming together fast!

For our first week in math, we introduced the standard algorithm for multiplication and it did start out a little challenging for some, however by the end of the week, I was watching your children help each other and get so excited about tackling this huge math power standard! We will continue working on this lesson on Monday and assess on Tuesday. For the rest of the week, we will work on dividing multi-digit numbers in lesson 5. Information on this lesson is attached below. 

In ELA we discussed short vowels, the genre of narrative nonfiction, focusing on the importance of asking and answering questions when we read. This week we will continue those topics but will include discussing long vowels and reading text about how experiencing nature can change how we feel about it.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I’m looking forward to another great week!

**Mark your calendar**
No School-Labor Day, Monday (4 September)

*The last attachment below is an informative pamphlet about the Utah Educational Savings Plan (My529).


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Aug 21-25

Here we go, fifth-grade family! What an incredible first 3 days of school, I loved getting to know your child and seeing our classroom interact and come together. It’s going to be such a great year.

A quick reminder for this week-Thursday is an early out (1:10pm) and Friday is a teacher-only work day, with no school for students.

This week we will complete our beginning of the year diagnostics and Dibels testing. and start our first math and ELA lessons. Please contact me with any questions at all.

If you haven’t done so, and it’s feasible at this time please pay your $30 supply fee.

**Mark your calendar**

Early Out-24 Aug

No School-25 Aug (Teacher work day)

No School-Labor Day-Monday, 4 September

thank you
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Back to school night!

Monday, August 14 from 6pm-8pm with presentations every 30 minutes (6:00, 6:30, 700, 7:30) no signup is needed just show up for the time that works best for you. I have moved classrooms so we are now in room 156, down the left hallway and 3rd classroom on the left. I will close the door when the presentation begins so if the door is closed please wait for the next presentation time, I don’t want you to miss a thing.

Please ensure you have subscribed to my blog and completed the forms I sent on 1 July. They are also located in the below blog post if you need them.

The $30 Supply donation can be paid at the front desk or online at All supplies have been purchased already with the exception of headphones. Please make sure your student has wired headphones as wireless are not allowed. Wired earbuds are fine as long as they do not bother your child, but many students find they can get uncomfortable after some time. Please also no large gaming headphones with flashing lights and microphones, they do not fit in the desks very well and can be a distraction.

Your student does not need to bring a backpack, we are limited on space where we can hang jackets and backpacks but if they do want to bring one please keep it standard size or smaller.

I do ask that students do not bring cell phones as they can not be used during the school day, however, I do understand many have phones, and families like them to be able to use them before and after school so I keep a bin on my bookshelf where they can turn off and leave their phones for the day. I do not want them to feel like they have to bring a backpack just for that reason.

Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 16, and a reminder the first 3 days of school are all early outs (1:10 pm)

I am beyond excited to start this next school year with your amazing child and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. It’s going to be a great year!

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Welcome to 5th grade!!

welcome classroom

I am so excited to meet all the students in my class this year! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of amazing and fun things.  

Please mark your calendar for Back to School Night on August 14th, and our First Day of School, on August 16th! The first three days are short days with early dismissal. (Early dismissal K-5 is 1:10pm)

Here are a few things you can do now:

Subscribe to the Blog: Please start by clicking on the following link, and subscribing to my blog: Mrs. Robinson’s blog

Class Disclosure Statement: Please read and sign the Class Disclosure

Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. Parent Survey

Supply List:  I am asking for money donations in the amount of $30.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies. This means I do all the shopping, labeling, and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing you have to worry about! However, this does not cover student headphones. Please send those with your child on the first day of school. To see what your $30.00 will cover click on the class supply list under the Parent Information tab above, or click this Link. Payments may be made on Quest’s website by clicking “Current Families,” then “Online Payments.” Enter my name and donation amount. You may also use the following link. ONLINE PAYMENTS

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions at all this summer! Enjoy and see you in August!

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Have the best Summer

I just can’t believe the year is over, it went by way too fast! I’m so thankful that I got to teach these 27 amazing young men and women. I can’t wait to see all the ways they continue to thrive. Parents thank you so much for all of your support this year, and thank you for raising such great kids! I really do miss them already!

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State Floats

Parents and students,

In celebration of the rich heritage and emblems of each state, fifth-grade students will design a model state float. Each student has been assigned a state and research will be done at school. The float should be decorated in a manner that reflects the state they are researching. Each model will be put on display at school and needs an index card that explains the details of the float. For example, a float of Florida might feature paper oranges, palm trees, alligators, and some state emblems. It should be creative, colorful, fun, and neatly done. Most importantly, it must be 3-dimensional. Many examples can be found online. The float must be COMPLETED AT HOME. 

Our class will display their state floats on May 19th from 8:45 – 10:30. Parents are welcome to come!

To create a state float, follow the steps below:

  • Use a box. The float may not be bigger than 14 x 14 inches.
  • Completely cover the outside of the box (e.g. tissue paper, foil, colored rice that is glued on, construction paper, etc.)
  • Design the top part of the float using creativity and imagination. Think about what you have learned about your state’s national parks, motto, symbols, etc. Take some of these scenes, replicas, or figures that represent your state, placing them on the top in an appealing way.
  • Somewhere on the float, you must have the name of your state.
  • Your state float should resemble a real float in a parade. Think about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day or Tournament of Roses parade floats.
  • Don’t forget your name!
  • Be creative, and have fun!
First nameState
JaxsonNew York
KarsonSouth Carolina
BronsonNew Jersey
SantiagoNew Mexico
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