Homework (Oct 17-19)

Homework this week is due on WEDNESDAY, October 19:

1- Math Homework:  
  • Worksheets: Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! 🙂 Please check your child’s answers for accuracy!

  • Practice your fluency timing repeatedly: “Adding Eights, Nines, and Tens”.  Record your best time and score each day. [By the end of first grade, the target goal is to finish all 25 problems in 1 minute and 15 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct).]  Click here for extra timings: Fluency Timings

  • For extra practice, utilize any of these Math Facts Activities. There is also a copy provided in your blue folder.

Helpful Hint:  All of these facts use the strategy of “counting on”. 

No Language Arts homework this week. Please use this time to complete any missing assignments or homework. Grades will be locked for the end of 1st term on Wednesday, October 19th.

For your convenience, here are the links for those with missing Language Arts homework assignments:
Weekly Homework 2016-2017 
READING FLUENCY PASSAGES (1-5)Phonics Fluency Stories
Red Sort 12 (due Sept 23)
Lesson 3 Sort (due Sept 30)
Lesson 4 Sort  (due Oct 7)
Lesson 5 sort  (due Oct 14)

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