What we are learning

We are now beginning Unit 7 in Language Arts. Here are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. In addition, we continue to read decodable books and passages. You can ask us which story we are preparing to pass off and how many more stories until we earn our next reward. We are also working on writing sentences. We ask ourselves…Does it have a capital? Does it have a space? Does it have punctation in its place? Are the other letters lowercase?

In math, we will be composing (putting a number together using it’s parts) and decomposing (break down numbers into parts) 6, 7, 8, and 9. Individually, the students are working to master their current selected math standard. Ask them about their Nearpod lessons and encourage them to try the challenge activity when they master the math standard. We are also becoming fluent with our math facts. Talk with with your child about which math facts they are currently working on.

And in science and STEM, we will begin our plant unit. We will begin by exploring the differences between living and nonliving things and determine if plants are living things even if they don’t move like people, animals, and insects.

Unit 7
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