Word Sort work

WTW with birdAs a class we worked on our first Words their Way sort.  We are learning how to sort the words into their correct group based on the rule of that sort.  This week we sorted words based on their beginning consonants for B, M, R, and S.  We are also learning how to record our sort, by writing the words.  

On Friday, we took our first sort test.  Responses are considered correct if they have meet the required rule of the sort.  For example, if the word is “belt” the response is considered correct if they have “b” as the first letter regardless if the rest of the word is not spelled correctly.  

We will practice sorts again as a whole class this upcoming week.  The following week we will then begin individualized sorts and sort homework.  Individualized sorts are assigned by individual student ability and need.  Students have completed the assessment (QSI)  that we use to place them in their beginning sort assignments.

Click here for more information: Words Their Way
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