Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Field Day

Jump Into A Good Book!Field Day – May 28thKindergarten – 5th The end of the school year is almost here! The last day of school will be our field day. Kindergarten will be having their own activities. 1st-5th graders will be … Continue reading

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Homework (May 18-22)

1- Math Homework:  Math Facts OnlyLet’s END THE YEAR STRONG by passing off one more timed test! You can do it!Math Fact Recording SheetSUMMER PRACTICE:  It’s so IMPORTANT your child continues to practice their math facts over the summer.  If you don’t use … Continue reading

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Opera Update

It has been so fun practicing with our opera costumes this week!  We hope everyone has their costume tomorrow, Wednesday, for our dress rehearsal. We are performing our Opera for the school Thursday morning at 9am.  Please make sure ALL costumes are with … Continue reading

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Opera Costumes

We are ready to begin practicing our opera with our costumes.  Please send opera costumes, in a grocery bag, to class on Monday, May 11th.  Costumes will be stored in the student cubbies.

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Charlotte’s Web

We are currently reading Charlotte’s Web in our class.  As soon as we complete the book we will have a movie day and watch the 2006 rated G movie.  Please complete this online movie permission form: Charlotte’s Web Permission Form

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250 books read this year!

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WOW! 200 Book Readers

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Presenting our 150 book readers

There is still time to earn a 100, 150, 200, 250 or more book certificate.  Keep reading and sending in your books!

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