Category Archives: Uncategorized


The last week of library classes will be May 11th-15th.  Students will be able to check out books this week and next week.  Then all books will be returned with no more check out.   Watch for overdue reports starting next Monday … Continue reading

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Art Lessons

We love Mrs. Islas’ art lessons!

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Homework (April 13-17)

Homework this week is due on Friday, April 17:1- Math Homework:Keep practicing your math facts!  Parents:  Please click on the “Math Fact Recording Sheet” below and record your child’s minutes as part of their homework.***If you feel like your child is “stuck” … Continue reading

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Opera Paint Day

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Homework (April 6-10)

Homework this week is due on Friday, April 10:1- Math Homework:Keep practicing your math facts!  Parents:  Please click on the “Math Fact Recording Sheet” below and record your child’s minutes as part of their homework.***If you feel like your child is “stuck” … Continue reading

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Spelling test

Today we took a practice spelling test.  Look for it in your student’s backpack.  Those students who had 100% today are excused from Friday’s test.  Thanks 🙂

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Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences

Students will be bringing home their 3rd quarter report cards on Monday, March 23.  There are some wonderful grades coming home to be proud of!  Please look for, sign, and RETURN THE ENVELOPE ONLY.  You may keep all the reports.Also! … Continue reading

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