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We are heading off campus-YAY!!! Our first field trip will be Thursday, October 5th. We will be going to “This is the Place Heritage Park” in Salt Lake City.
DETAILS: We will be taking school buses to and from the destination. We plan to leave Quest Academy at 8:35 and arrive back around 2:30. Students will need to bring a small backpack that will hold a small plastic water bottle, a light jacket, sunscreen (applied before arriving at school), and a small book or cards to read/play on the bus (optional). No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed on our field trip. All pictures will be taken by me or a chaperone and shared on the BLOG afterward.
Donations: The donation cost is $5 per child. Please pay this at the office or online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Peay field trip. Please pay before Friday, Sept 29th.
CHAPERONES: SIX LUCKY PARENTS will get to accompany us on our field trip. I will randomly select the lucky chaperones. Chaperones will need to pay the Quest office a $8 field trip fee (your entrance cost) and bring their own lunch. NOTE: No additional people (younger or older family/siblings) are not allowed on the field trip. You will need to ride the bus with us and stay with your assigned group.
LUNCH: Students can bring their lunch from home or order a school sac lunch. There will be two lunch options, an uncrustable or a hoagie sandwich. Additionally, they will need to order chocolate or white milk. School sack lunch count is due Friday, September 23rd. No late lunches can be added to the count after this date.
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