Author Archives: sara.garrett

Positive Me Week! Feb. 28th – March 4th

This week in math we are learning… Please help your child learn the following songs in preparation for our upcoming 4th-Grade Utah History Program. Utah, This is the Place! Fur, Traders, and Trappers Looking Back! The 29 Counties of Utah

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Thank you for attending Student-Led Conferences!!

It was great getting to celebrate your student’s 4th-grade success at student-led conferences. They ALL did such a great job. I am so proud of each one of them. I can’t believe in only one month we will be practicing … Continue reading

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Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sign up Here: Use the link above to sign up for Student-Led Conference/PTC. They will be held on February, 2nd, and 3rd beginning at 1:20. They will be online (using ZOOM) or in-person. We have short days these two … Continue reading

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Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break! As this New Year has begun so has the learning. I know it is hard coming back to school after a long break. Please help your student go to bed early and get plenty … Continue reading

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Tomorrow is Pajama Day for Mrs. Garrett’s Class!! Wednesday, December 15, 2021

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Christmas is coming fast!

Monday, December 13, Rendezvous items are due this day. Please send them to school with your child. See the previous post for those details. They can come down to the room to drop them off before going outside. If you have not filled … Continue reading

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We will be having our annual 4th-grade Rendezvous (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) the last week before Christmas Break on Thursday, December 16th. To be ready for this event, students will need to make 30 products or plan a service to “sell” during … Continue reading

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Nov. 8th-12th, This week in class…

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Reindeer Run!! Sign Up Now!

Quest is excited to host the 5th annual Reindeer Run and breakfast with the Grinch! This is a fun way for our school to get into the Christmas spirit. I will be giving students 15 class tickets for every person … Continue reading

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Important Information about this Week!! Nov1st-5th!

Canned Food Drive-Dress Down Tomorrow!! Parent-Teacher Conferences, Report Cards!! Early Out Wednesday and Thursday! No School Friday!! No tutoring due to Conferences and Early Out! It is that time of year for our annual BESST Realty Food Drive. We love … Continue reading

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