COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER-Watch this instructional video about the cookie dough fundraiser! Students can start selling on Monday, September 16th; they’ll need everything turned in at the office on Wednesday, September 25th. Angelee and Dr. Dave will be passing out Spooky Speedster prizes on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school starts in front of the library. All other prizes will be shipped to the school AFTER the fundraiser is over. Please note that the paperwork has an incorrect delivery date. The actual date that Cookie Dough will be delivered to the school is TUESDAY, OCT. 22ND. Remember, ALL sales must be entered in the Scoreboard app (see paperwork that you child is bringing home today). Thanks.
I’m back and excited to say I have a darling new grandbaby!! I appreciate those students who were on their very best behavior and held to the high expectations while I was out for the week.
Our first field trip is quickly approaching. We will be going to the American West Heritage Center in Cache Valley on Thurs Sept. 26th. Please fill out this form to give permission for your child to participate.
A bus will take us to the park from Quest at the beginning of school and return to Quest that afternoon. The suggested donation will be $5 per student to cover all expenses for this field trip. Paying suggested donation fees is a big part of 4th-grade continuing our efforts to have and attend field trips throughout the school year. Generations donations are greatly appreciated for students who are unable to pay. Please pay your funds to the office or online before Sept 20th so we can get a good count. Pay fee here>LINK Please indicate on this form if your student will attend and what they will be doing for lunch (whether it’s home or school lunch). Also, we will be taking 6 chaperones to attend with each class. Chaperones chosen will need to ride the bus with us and have a group of students they are in charge of throughout the entire field trip. The chosen chaperones will need to pay the Quest office a $8 field trip fee. Please indicate if you are willing to attend and pay the chaperone fee. I will be randomly selecting 6 lucky chaperones by Friday, Sept 13th. I will send an email if you are one of the 6 chosen.
Please Note: Younger siblings are not allowed on the field trip since we will be taking the bus and do not have room for them to ride the bus with us.
READING passages were sent home last week. Just a reminder that fluency is how fast we read per minute. The goal is to increase our fluency while making sure that the words we read are correct. I will be sending home these passages weekly and can be part of their 20-minute daily reading. Please support their reading and encourage them to try to beat their time with their fluency. There are also spelling words attached they can practice spelling in any creative way they would like, as well as comprehension questions they can fill out on Thursday night. They should bring these papers signed and returned back to me each Friday. Students will be rewarded with tickets for papers brought back by Friday.
TUTORING will be starting this week. Students recently learned how to take their first comp check to prove proficiency last week. I will be starting tutoring by invitation this week. You will receive an email if your student could benefit from attending.
What we are learning…We will be focused on the same learning this week in Math, ELA, and Science.
We are starting our weekly lessons this week. Listed below are lessons/standards of Math, ELA, and Science. Please ask your students questions relating to these topics. I will be starting tutoring next week. Tutoring will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:15 to 3:45. If your student needs to attend tutoring, you will be sent an email asking your student to attend.
Picture day is coming this Wednesday. Students will wear school uniforms for these pictures. The link provided below will direct you to pre-ordering.
If you have not signed the class disclosure and back-to-school forms, please do so now.
Just a reminder to pay the student fees in the office to help cover your student’s supplies. Link I have already purchased these items for this year. If you would rather purchase them yourselves, they must meet the description on the class supply list.
Students need headphones starting this week. Please send them by tomorrow. If you need to borrow or purchase headphones send me an email. 🙂
I am very excited to welcome my new students into my class!
PARENTS – Here are a few things you can do now:
1) Please “Subscribe to our blog” by clicking on the right and inputting your email address. You will be sent a confirmation email. You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog. This is important to stay updated!
Kids-Practice MATH FACTS!!! You can use your Reflex account and earn a “GREEN Light” everyday! Don’t forget to log in and use your iReady accounts too!!
Importants Dates:
Monday, August 19, Back to School Night 6:00-8:00pm
Wednesday-Friday, August 21-23, First Days of School/Early out at 1:10
Monday-Thursday, August 26-29, Full week of school
We are starting the RISE test THIS week! We spent the week reviewing and doing our end-of-year diagnostics. They are so ready! I’m so proud of the growth they have shown this year!! If you want to help your child do well next week, it is very important and impactful for them to come to school with good rest as well as full bellies with a healthy breakfast. Remember, Quest Academy has breakfast, so come to school before 8:15 to receive breakfast. Our testing time will start shortly after school starts in the morning, so please be ON TIME as well. Additionally, we want to help ease any testing jitters and increase excitement as much as we can.
Thursday, May 23rd a couple of our students would like to bring puppies for show-n-tell. You will need to fill out the permission form to allow your student to participate.
We are creating our Solar Ovens this week to make some S’mores! We are in need of donations of ingredients and materials. If you are willing to bring something, please send your child with them no later than Thursday the 2nd so I know what I need to go get! Thank you 🙂
Graham Crackers
Plastic Wrap
Hershey’s Chocolate Bars
A student in our class trying to raise money for Taekwondo Nationals. If you are interested in donating please click the link.
On Friday, May 3 we are creating our Solar Ovens to make some S’mores! We are in need of donations of ingredients and materials. If you are willing to bring something, please send your child with them no later than Thursday the 2nd so I know what I need to go get! Thank you 🙂
We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy, April 30 at 6:00PM. All of the 4th grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform please. Please have your students in my classroom no later than 5:50 to be ready to head to the gym as a class to start our program. Along with singing, a few students from our room will have speaking parts. These parts can be memorized. We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit!
All of the 4th-grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. To see what they have created, you may come before the program 5:00-5:30, or after the performance at about 7:00. Our class display will be in our classroom.
We are reaching the end of our 4th grade year! WOW! We have a lot of fun activities planned and hope to be able to get to all of them to celebrate our hard work this year. In hopes of condensing your “homework,” here is a tentative schedule of fun things we have coming up and a permission slip to sign all at the same time! Some of these dates are subject to change. I will send more information for each activity as we get closer. For now, I have posted some information about our Utah History Program and our BFG projects below. Feel free to reach out with any questions about these activities.
April 30: Utah Program 6:00 in the Q1 gym (All are invited!)
May 1st: Acadience Testing
May 3: Make Solar Ovens
May 8-16: RISE
May 13-15: BFG projects are due at school
May 17: BFG project presentations and movie
May 20: Olympiad
May 21: Field Trip to the State Capital
May 22: Field Day
May 23: Short day, talent show, yearbook day
May 24: Clean up and class awards
Utah History Program
We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy. All of the 4th-grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform, please. Along with singing, 8 students from our room will have speaking parts. They have already accepted and have been practicing their parts. These parts need to be memorized. If your child does not have a speaking part, they are still a vital part of our program and their attendance is crucial to the success of our program.
We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! All of the 4th-grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. They will be displayed afterward in our class.
The BFG is a Big Friendly Giant that wants to live among the “human beans.” Our task is to create a practical item that the BFG could use in our world. However, our regular size item will not be big enough.
BFG Project Requirements:
The item your child chooses to make for the BFG must be 4 times the size of a regular “human bean” item. Examples might include a toothbrush, books, car keys, socks, candy bar, etc. (We will go over the math needed to figure out how to enlarge an everyday item.)
The item must be practical. We need to be able to carry the item to and from school easily 😉
Have fun with this project as it is something for them to enjoy using their imagination and creativity for the hard work they have put in all year! Thank you for all you do and your continued support this year!
YEARBOOK INFORMATION: All purchases are online only and may be made through this link HERE. The link may also be found on our website under “Payments” (See snapshot)
Elementary ID code: 15110624
Junior High ID code: 15110524
PLEASE HAVE THEM HERE FOR OUR REVIEWING WINDOW. APRIL 15-MAY 3rd. We have end-of-year testing right around the corner. It is very important that your child attends school during the review weeks and testing days. Please let me know if your student will not be attending school on any of the testing days. WE ARE REVIEWING EVERY DAY! It is also important that they get a good night’s sleep, a good breakfast, and here ON TIME. All of our tests are first thing in the morning. Our testing window is May 8th – May 17th.
I will let the children chew sugar-free peppermint gum or mints during the RISE test. Research does show that peppermint helps calm anxiety in students. Please let me know if you do not want your child to have gum during the tests. Please sign this form to allow your child to chew gum during testing. SIGN HERE
Please note these dates on your calendars:
SCIENCE #1: WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 8:45-10:00 SCIENCE #2: THURSDAY, MAY 9, 8:45-10:00
ELA (English/Language Arts)/READING ELA #1: MONDAY, MAY 13, 8:45-10:00 ELA #2: TUESDAY, MAY 14, 8:45-10:00
Math #1: WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 8:45-10:00 Math #2: THURSDAY, MAY 16, 8:45-10:00 Math #3: FRIDAY, MAY 17, 8:45-10:00