Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (Tuesday): Watch this video of one of our Quest Families. We’ll be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day by wearing mismatched socks on Tuesday, March 21st. Thanks!
Legally Blonde Musical Play Production-Our junior high drama club and advisors have been working hard to put together a quality production of Legally Blonde, the musical. Please come and support them as they perform at the Ogden High School auditorium on Friday, March 31 at 7:00pm, and Saturday, April 1 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. Tickets may be purchased here, or from the link at the top of our homepage with either card or eCheck.
Yearbook-The last day to purchase a yearbook will be Friday, March 24. Sales are online only, and you may find the link HERE, or at the top of our home page. You may purchase with a credit card, or save a convenience fee by selecting eCheck when you check out.
Friday, March 17th, students may wear a GREEN SHIRT with UNIFORM PANTS. Students can always show their SCHOOL SPIRIT every Friday by wearing a Quest Spirit shirt.
Important Dates:
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day
March 29th – 4th Grade Utah History Program 6:00 Q1 gym. If your child has a part, please practice this at home. It would be fabulous if it was memorized.
We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy. All of the 4th-grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform, please. Along with singing, 8 students from our room will have speaking parts. Students will sign-up for these today and we will randomly pick out names. These parts need to be memorized. The parts have about three sentences in them. After they are picked, parents will be notified to verify they will be in attendance.
We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! All of the 4th-grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. They will be displayed afterward in our class.
As many of you are aware, there are winter warnings and advisories about today’s and tomorrow’s winter storm. The recommendation has been to avoid commuting or traveling tomorrow morning, as the roads are predicted to be unsafe. Due to these advisories and the distance many of our families and employees travel to attend Quest, students will be learning from home tomorrow. In the jr. high, students will access assignments and other learning resources via their Google classrooms—it is not necessary to login to Google Meet. Students are welcome to email teachers with any questions they have regarding their posted assignments.
Elementary students have learning packets that were sent home previously to provide learning from home in these situations. However, please watch for additional resources to come home today with Q1 students. Their teachers will be contacting you shortly via their blogs or email.
Please note that we will watch conditions closely over the next couple of days to determine student learning on Thursday (late start, learning from home, regular school day, etc.). Thanks so much for all you do. We hope your families stay safe!
For my 4th-grade students, I have sent home a packet for them to do at home. They will also complete work on-line. These are things they will need to submit or return when it is completed.
iRead- 30 mins
Green math paper
Wonders- Reread My Big Brother, Jonny Kaw- Race Writing (blue paper)
Science nearpod- on Garrett google classroom
Vocab Kahoot – on Garrett google classroom
I sent a snow packet home in January, this can be done on Thursday if school is canceled. If they somehow forget how to login- they should have all logins at home. Students can sign in through google. (first.last@qackids.org) Also on my blog under Parent Info and student log in codes it shows how to log in to programs we use.
Thanks, this makes it so we do not have to make up the day in the summer.
These treats will be sent home so that parents can decide if their child can have them. Nothing will be consumed in class. Please let me know of any allergies your child may have. There are 25 students in our class. If your child brings something to pass out, they must bring enough for everyone. Please don’t label them, just sign their name. We will pass out cards/treats at the end of the day. Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect cards/prizes. If they don’t bring one, I will have a bag for them to use.
The 4th-grade program is coming up. Students need to learn the songs that will be performed for parents and students at the end of March. Songs are found under the “Program Songs” link at the top of my blog. More information about the program will be posted closer to the date.
Due to the students working so hard on mid-year testing, this FRIDAY we will be having a GAME/TECHNOLOGY PARTY! Students are welcome to bring board games, card games, tablets, game consoles, cell phones, etc. Students will not have access to wifi, so students will need to have games downloaded beforehand. All games or images viewed on devices need to be school appropriate. Students are responsible for all games, devices, consoles, etc. brought to school. Quest Academy is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken belongings. Please fill out this technology party permission form to attend.
If you are planning to have your current student(s) return to Quest Academy for the 2023-2024 school year, it is time to register. Please follow the link HERE, to complete the registration.
You will log into your Aspire parent portal and register under the existing student ID. Please do not click on the blue box for a NEW student. You will want to click on the green or orangebox (see below).
Once you log into your Aspire parent portal, you will select each of your current students individually by clicking on the box with their name. That will take you to their student Summary page. Once in the student Summary page, you will see this “registration link” (below), located to the right of your student’s name.
After you click on the registration link, please:
Review the Enrollment Information and update or change any information needed
Review the Welcome Letter
Review each of the 12 agreements and electronically sign when prompted
When you have finished reviewing/signing, you will be taken to the final page where you will see the word “Complete” in green next to each of the agreements. If you see “Incomplete” in red next to any of the agreements, please review and complete that portion of the registration.
If you are not planning to have your student return to Quest for the 2023-24 school year, please contact the school.
Current student registration is due by December 16, 2022.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to register an additional child (sibling), you will use the “New Students” Aspire link during the “New Students” registration period beginning January 10, 2022. Please contact Stephanie Wray at 801-731-9859, or swray@questac.org with any questions. Thanks