Upcoming Week! 9/6-9/9!!

I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day and that you enjoyed your long weekend! I’m so impressed with the way my students have learned the routines of our classroom and how excited they’ve been to dive right into the important standards in fourth grade!

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Mrs. Garrett” and the amount.

We have started our novel study! The book “Bunnicula” was sent home in a baggie on September 1st. Students have until September 15th to read the book and return it to school. This is a great way for students to accomplish their 20 minutes of daily required reading. Make sure your student is READING every night!!

Novel Study Book for September!!


Starting this Thursday night and every Thursday night moving forward, parents and students will be asked to fill out the REPORT HOMEWORK link found here on my blog!

Report Homework Link!!

TUTORING will begin this week!

All students are welcome to come to tutoring however, students who are not proficient in MATH standards will be asked to come to tutoring until the standard is proficient.

Tutoring Times: Tuesday Mornings- 7:55-8:20, Wednesday and Thursday after school- 3:20-3:50.

This week in Math and ELA…

This Week In Math!
This Week in ELA!


  • Monday, Sept 5th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL!
  • Thursday, Sept 15th – Cookie Dough Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, Sept 26th – End of Cookie Dough Fundraiser
  • Friday, Sept. 30th – Dollar Dress Down Day
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This week in ELA!
This week in Math!
First Unit of Science!

We have had an amazing first week of school!! I have a fabulous class and I am so excited for this year! REMINDER for the upcoming week. Tuesday, August 30th is picture day. Your student will be coming home with a picture order form. You will also be able to order pictures online by clicking on this link. Bellphoto Use code: QuestAcadESFall2022 when ordering.

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Welcome to our Class!!!

WOW, you are a 4th grader!  I am so excited to meet everyone!  I hope you have been having an AWESOME summer!

Back to School Night on August 15th. The first day of school is August 17. Students will have a 3 day week (August 17-19). The first three days are early out days with dismissal at 1:20 (NEW this year).

It is important that you don’t forget those MULTIPLICATION FACTS. REMEMBER you got an ice cream topping party last year? Well……you will forget them if you don’t practice a bit over the summer. I already set up your REFLEX accounts. Please earn “3 Green lights” per week. You can even start passing off your FRAX missions. The account will only let you pass off one mission per day. Lastly, you need to READ-READ-READ!!! 20 min a day.
Here is how you log in to REFLEX and FRAX:
Website: reflexmath.com/go
Username: mrsgarrett4
Password: rams***ALL lower case letters***

PARENTS~~Here are a few things you can do now:

1)  Please “Subscribe to our blog” by clicking on the right and inputting your email address.  You will be sent a confirmation email.  You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription.  Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog. This is important to stay updated!

2) Under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our…

Class Disclosure

Disclosure Signature Page 

Supply list. **Please read and sign before school starts!!

3) Please fill out this survey so I can get to know your child: Parent Survey

Mrs. Garrett’s Class Supply List 2022-23

I know how busy this time of year is and I want to help make it easier. I am asking guardians to pay a $30 supply donation fee to cover each student’s supplies. This way I can get all the needed supplies purchased and labeled before students come back to school. You can pay at Q1 on Back to School Night or beforehand. You can easily pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing Garrett’s Supplies. If you would rather purchase the same items yourself, please send me an email prior to school beginning. 

NO BACKPACKS- I do not allow backpacks in my classroom.  Students are allowed to bring a small fanny pack or small (very small) backpack to school if needed.

Additionally, students will need to bring the following items:
Headphones/earbuds– labeled with their name. Guardians will be responsible to replace broken/damaged headphones/earbuds throughout the year.

Small bag if needed-A bag large enough to bring a cell phone or personal items they need at school. NO large backpacks are to be brought. We are a technology school, so we rarely send any papers home. ONLY lunch bags are needed if they are bringing a lunch from home. A backpack can be brought to transfer library books home once a week on Wednesdays.
Water bottle-Students may bring a small water bottle that they can have with them throughout the day.

I will purchase the following items for your child with the donation:

  • Colored pencils (24 pack) and additional art supplies
  • Plastic plain folders with metal paper holders and paper pockets. Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green. Folders are plain, no designs or images.
  • Spiral notebook, plain cover in the colors Blue, Yellow Red, and Green.
  • Mother’s Day/Father’s Day art projects supplies
  • Scissors/Pencils/Erasers/Glue
  • Whiteboards with an eraser
  • 10-15 Highlighter/Expo markers, small permanent sharpie markers (2)
  • Service/STEM/Science lab project materials
  • Rendezvous sign supplies
  • Multiplication flashcards
  • Reward stickers: various types including water bottle stickers
  • Subscription to online science program: Generation Genius.
  • Lanyard

Additionally, donations will be used to buy these supplies:

  • Christmas and other holiday projects and gifts.
  • Anti-bacterial wipes, hand sanitizer.
  • Party supplies and birthday prizes
  • Prize Bin: Fun stuff that cost less than $1 each
  • Box of tissues/paper towels/bandaids
  • Field trip transportation
  • End-of-year activities


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We rocked the test and it’s time to party!! Friday, May 20th, we will be having a Read-a-thon, Movie, and Ice Cream Party!! Please take the time to fill out this form allowing your student to participate. Students can bring a small blanket, pillow, and snacks to eat during the read-a-thon and movie.

Monday, May 23rd, 4th-grade students will participate in an“Egg drop challenge.” Students will create their own egg drop designs to protect an egg from breaking when it is dropped from a height. Students will need to make these at home and bring them to school by Monday morning. Have fun and be creative. (Bring everything built with the egg ready to be dropped from the top of the school)

If you have not paid for the field trip or field day please take care of this ASAP!!

Remember to bring your “Bunnicula” book back to school by tomorrow!! Students who do not bring books back will be asked to pay for them.

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RISE Testing Next Week!!

We are starting the RISE test next week! We spent the week reviewing and doing our end-of-year diagnostics. They are so ready! I’m so proud of the growth they have shown this year!! If you want to help your child do well next week, it is very important and impactful for them to come to school with good rest as well as full bellies with a healthy breakfast. Remember, Quest Academy has free breakfast, so come to school before 8:15 to receive breakfast. Our testing time will start shortly after school starts in the morning, so please be on time as well. Additionally, we want to help ease any testing jitters and increase excitement as much as we can. Please sign this form to allow your child to chew gum during testing. SIGN HERE

Thank you for all you do and your support as we work toward finishing 4th grade strong!


Fourth Grade Field Trip Tuesday, May 24th, 2022

You must fill out this permission slip. HERE IS THE LINK. (If you have students in more than one class, fill the form out under that teacher’s BLOG please.)We will not be limiting chaperones on this field trip. If you want to come, you can. You must be older than 18 years of age. No siblings. We will make group assignments after we get a count of how many students/adults are attending.

Please pay the Quest Q1 office the following donation:

Adult chaperones: $6 *You will need to pay a Frontrunner train fee on your own.

Student planetarium fee: $3

FIELD DAY FUN: $2 *While you are paying these fees, please pay the field day fee too. Our field day is Wednesday, May 25th additional information will be sent soon.

We will be using the Frontrunner. Students will need to be dropped off and picked up at the Roy station by their guardians. There will NOT be transportation from Quest to or from the station.


PICK UP: We will arrive back at the Roy station at 2:45. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BETWEEN 2:45-3:00. 

Students will need to sign-up for a school lunch prior to the field trip using the LINK. If you didn’t order a free sack lunch from the school, send your child with a lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. They will carry their own lunches.

Send your child with a small jacket, bags/backpack to carry their lunches, and a water bottle. No electronic devices (games/phones) are allowed on the field trip. They may bring something small to play with on the Frontrunner. For example, a deck of cards, a small pack of crayons/notebook, or a figurine/fidget toy. Nothing that will bounce away from them or cause a mess. No gum. Apply sunscreen beforehand and send some if your child may need more. We will be eating lunch outside.

If you are attending as chaperone-more information will come as we get closer to the day. Email your child’s teacher if you have any questions.


Fourth Grade Teachers

Summer Reading

KEEP UP THE READING!!! This link has a 4th Grade list of books recommended by the Weber County Library. If your child is not on a fourth-grade Lexile, please read these books with them 🙂 Additionally, a printed version was sent home today.
Thank you! Happy Summer Reading!!!
 Summer Reading

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 2.33.23 PM

Barnes & Noble.  This is a great program because all the students have to do is read 8 books, record the title & author on a journal & take the journal into the store once completed & they get to choose a free book.  They’ve changed it a bit this year, only accepting the journals in the month of August but they’ve also given a great list of books to read for the summer by age group.  I would appreciate you posting this on your blogs when you have time.  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/h/summer-reading-lists?list=kidsbrages-0-7

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Happening this Week and End-of-Year Permission Form!!!

Please fill out this form ASAP!!! Here is the LINK.

Alright! It’s crunch time! Last week of tutoring before the Rise Assessment- Wednesday and Thursday, until 3:30! We have so much to review before testing begins. Make sure your student is reading every night for 20 minutes, finishing any math packets, and to review multiplication facts, do Reflex to a green light. Please make sure your student does not miss school for the next 3 weeks. We have started practice tests and we quickly realized that some students do not have good working headphones. Talk to your child and make sure your child has headphones, that plug into the computer, with them every day. If needed, they are welcome to buy a good pair from the office for $5.00.

Important Dates:

  • May 3nd – 6th – End of Level I-Ready Diagnostic Test
  • May 9th – 12th – RISE SCIENCE and READING End of Level Testing @ 8:50
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)

Students may wear Star Wars shirts on Wednesday, May 4th. All other clothing items should be uniform complaint.

It is also teacher and staff appreciation week! I am grateful for the staff members that work here at Quest Academy!!

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Technology Day!!


Our class has been working SUPER DUPER hard lately! We have been working hard preparing for the RISE assessments and 4th-grade program! We are going to celebrate with “technology day.” Tomorrow, April 29th, students may bring any technology they would like or they will be able to use our classroom iPads/Macs.

Here are the rules: ANYTHING they bring, could get broken. If it gets broken, our school will not pay to have it replaced. UNDER any circumstances -we are not liable for a broken or stolen device. ALL devices will be brought to my classroom in the morning and dropped off. Nothing is allowed outside during recess. The kids will play with them from 11:00-11:40, and for a few minutes after lunch. Given that they will play with them for about an hour, please don’t bring something that takes several minutes to set up
. Our school’s technology rules apply to this day. All games must be rated “E” for everyone. There will not be wi-fi available or use of the classroom TV/Monitor. The easiest technology is our classroom technology. Again, I will still have their Chromes computers available and ipads. They will be able to use student links, Bloxels, and additional apps already loaded onto the school devices.

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4th-Grade Utah Program!!

Tomorrow Night!!

A quick reminder: The Fourth Grade Utah History program is tomorrow night, Thursday, April 28th at 6:30PM. Students need to come in their best attire and be here on the bleachers by 6:15. Come early to see their digital displays. 

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Important Information … Program, Pictures, and Practice Rise Assessment!!

We are having our 4th-grade Utah Program at Quest Academy Thursday, April 28th at 6:30. All of the 4th-grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform, please. Along with singing, 8 students from our room will have speaking parts. These parts need to be memorized. The parts have about three sentences in them. WE are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! All of the 4th-grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. Come earlier enough to walk around and see their creations.

header graphic

Tomorrow, April 19, will be a FREE dress-down day and OPTIONAL spring pictures for both elementary and junior high.
Please see the flyer HERE for more information, and to pre-order photos. If you have younger siblings you would like to bring in for photos, you are welcome to do so anytime between 8:00am and 12:00pm.
Feel free to call the office with any questions.
Utah RISE – Assessment & Research – Tooele County School District

Rise Benchmark Assessments will be taking place over the course of the next couple of weeks. The Rise Assessment will begin May, 9th. If you have any concerns or questions about the Rise Assessments, please contact me or the front office.

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Positive Me Week! Feb. 28th – March 4th

This week in math we are learning…

Please help your child learn the following songs in preparation for our upcoming 4th-Grade Utah History Program.

Utah, This is the Place!

Fur, Traders, and Trappers

Looking Back!

The 29 Counties of Utah

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