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October 30 – November 3, 2023

7 Places to Find Free Fall Leaves Clip Art Images

Hello Everyone!

Happy Halloween and Positive Me Week!

Monday – Pajama Day! “Don’t ruin your dreams–stay off drugs!”

Tuesday – “Being Drug Free is SPOOKTACULAR!” Students can come to school dressed and ready in their costumes for the school Halloween Parade, which will begin at 9 am. (Please make sure costumes and accessories are school appropriate 🙂 Families are welcome to watch the parade! Please plan on bringing camping chairs or blankets and setting them up outside. Following the parade, we will have our class party, lunch, and then early out at 1:10 pm! If you would like to review your response for the Food Permission Slip for our party, you may do so here.

Wednesday – No School

Thursday – Hawaiian Day! “Lei off of drugs!”

Friday – Cowboy Day! “Give drugs the boot!”

Thank you again to everyone who participated in Family-Teacher Conferences last week. It was great to see you and discuss your amazing kids!

Also, by way of announcement, if your student does not need to bring a backpack, it would be helpful if they could please keep it at home. If necessary, a smaller bag for personal items is okay. With colder weather and winter coats our hanging space gets even more limited. Thank you for your help with this and for being part of a great TEAM!

-Mrs. Shaw

October 23 – 27, 2023

7 Places to Find Free Fall Leaves Clip Art Images

Hello Families!

We have a lot going on the next two weeks! Most of all, I’m greatly looking forward to meeting with you and your student this Wednesday or Thursday at Family-Teacher Conferences. These conferences will be student-led, and they have worked hard to share their learning with you. Please bring them along!

If you haven’t done so yet, please save your conference spot using the Sign-Up Genius link emailed to you. If there is not a time listed that will work for you, please reach out to me so we can try to make other arrangements. Please note that these days are also early out days for students.

With conferences and Halloween, there will be no math tutoring this week or next week.

Our school Halloween parade will be held Tuesday, October 31st, beginning at 9:00 am. The route is in the email sent by the administration last week. Please make sure you and your child are also aware of the costume guidelines below:

Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Students are welcome to paint their faces and wear Halloween masks, but masks will only be worn when directed to do so by the classroom teacher (e.g. during the parade, when a class picture is taken, etc.). No one should enter the school wearing a mask. Weapons and anything that depicts violence are not allowed on school property (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood or gore, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

Thank you for your support in keeping our school environment safe for everybody.

Our class Halloween party will begin just after morning recess at 10:30 am with games and activities until 11:30 and cartoons and snacks from 11:30-12:20. At 12:20 pm the students will go to recess and lunch. This day will be early out at 1:10 pm. If you haven’t done so yet, please sign our food permission slip for this and other activities here. Also, we still need a few volunteers for the party. Please let me know if you are available to help out. Thank you!

Finally, there is no school for students on Wednesday, November 1st, the day following Halloween, but there will be school on Thursday and Friday, November 2nd and 3rd.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

October 16 – 20, 2023

7 Places to Find Free Fall Leaves Clip Art Images

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a fabulous Fall Break! A few announcements:

  • Family-Teacher Conferences are next week, on Wednesday, October 25th, and Thursday, October 26th, with Early Out both days at 1:10 pm. Please save your conference spot using the Sign-Up Genius link emailed to you. These conferences are student led, so please choose a time that will work for both of you. I look forward to visiting with you!
  • Cookie dough and beef jerky pick up for our fundraiser is this Thursday, October 19th
  • Monday, October 31st  –  School Halloween Parade and Class Party (Early Out 1:10 pm)
  • No School Wednesday, November 1st

Jumping right back in…for Math this week, we are learning how to add and subtract decimals. In ELA we are learning about making predictions to determine the theme of a text, how it is conveyed through particular details, and summarize a text. In science, we are finishing up our study of interactions between Earth’s systems.

Thank you for being an amazing team,

Mrs. Shaw

October 9 – 13, 2023

7 Places to Find Free Fall Leaves Clip Art Images

Happy Fall Families!

Monday and Tuesday are full school days. No School Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for Fall Break. Have so much fun!

Because of Fall Break, there will be no tutoring this week, but your child can practice math at home using Reflex Math and IXL. If your child is struggling with math, please encourage them to practice everyday for just 15-20 minutes. A little consistency will go a long way!

Please also encourage your child to READ, READ, READ…20 minutes or more everyday…and tell you all about what they are reading, too!

Thank you for all of your support with our fundraiser! Cookie dough and jerky orders will be available for pickup from 2-5 pm on Thursday, October 19th. Volunteers are needed to unload, sort and help manage the pickup of the cookie dough. If you are interested in helping, please sign up HERE.

If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for a time to meet with me for Family-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 25th, and Thursday, October 26th, using the link emailed to you last week. In our class, these conferences are student-led, so please choose a time that works for both you and your student. I can’t wait to discuss their progress with you!

Wishing you an incredible Fall Break!

-Mrs. Shaw

October 2 – 6, 2023

7 Places to Find Free Fall Leaves Clip Art Images

Hello 5th grade families,

October is here…my favorite month of the year! Please make sure to send your student prepared for those colder mornings with a jacket/coat. A few other key points of information:

  • Math tutoring will be held Monday and Wednesday afternoon immediately following school until 3:35 pm again this week. This will be our last week to finish multi-digit multiplication and long division using the standard algorithm. After this week, we will move on to other standards.
  • Fall Break is next week, October 11-13th. I hope you enjoy that time together!
  • Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held October 25th and 26th. Please watch for the sign-up link in your email later this week and secure a time slot that works best for you. I can’t wait to discuss your amazing student and their progress!

It’s going to be another great week!

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw

September 25 – 29, 2023

Hello Families,

Thank you for all of your support with our school cookie dough and beef jerky fundraiser! Monday is the last day to rally; Tuesday all orders and money are due.

Also, please note that this Tuesday, September 26th, is Picture Day. This picture will be used for the yearbook and students’ name badges, so they will need to wear their school uniform.

I will continue math tutoring by invitation only this Monday and Wednesday immediately following school until 3:35 pm. We will be continuing our work on multi-digit multiplication and long division skills for those who need the extra support. You will receive an email from me if your student would benefit from this extra time.

This week in math, we are learning how to read and write decimals in standard, word, and expanded forms. In ELA, we are practicing rereading to compare text structures, with a special focus on problem and solution. In science, we will be learning about weathering and erosion.

Lastly, this Friday will be a Dollar Dress Down. We’re going to have a great week!

-Mrs. Shaw

September 18 – 22, 2023

Hello Families,

Welcome to another great week!

Our school cookie dough and beef jerky fundraiser has begun. All sales will be logged through the SCOREBOARD app. Your student should have brought a packet home with more information today. Thank you for your support!

Math tutoring will be held again by invitation Monday and Wednesday after school until 3:35 pm. We are continuing our practice of multi-digit multiplication and long division. You should have received an email from me if your student would benefit from this extra small group practice.

Also, please mark your calendar for Picture Day on September 26th. Forms for ordering pictures were sent home on Friday. Students must be in uniform for this photo, as it will go on their badge and in the yearbook. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

-Mrs. Shaw

September 11 – 15, 2023

Hello Families,

Our class is working hard to gain new skills and be great teammates. I love to see them help and cheer for one another! This week in math especially, they learned they can do hard things as they engaged in challenging operations. I am so grateful to teach and learn with them!

I will begin math tutoring by invitation Monday and Wednesday afternoon immediately after school until 3:35 pm. We will be practicing using the standard algorithm for multiplication and long division. You will receive an email invitation from me if your student would benefit from a little extra help.

This week in math, we will be learning all about place value in preparation for operations with decimals. Students will learn that for both whole numbers and decimals, a digit in one place not only has ten times the value it would have in the place to its right but also has one-tenth the value it would have in the place its left. This means we will be using the multiplication and division skills we have been learning the past few weeks to expand our knowledge of numbers. In ELA, we will continue to focus on rereading to compare characters, settings, and events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text. In science, we will be investigating the distribution of water on Earth. At home, please encourage students to read for 20 minutes every night!

Thank you! We’re going to have a GREAT week!

-Mrs. Shaw

September 5 – 8, 2023


I hope everyone had a great long weekend! We’re jumping right back in!

This week in math we are continuing our focus on using the standard algorithm for long division. We will also incorporate using the standard algorithm for multiplication. In ELA, we will be discussing how people get the things they need. We will be reading realistic fiction, and discussing why rereading is an important strategy for comparing characters, settings, and events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text. Our work in science will focus on earth’s systems and layers.

I will begin math tutoring *by invitation only* next week. Tutoring will be held Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-3:35 pm. If tutoring would be beneficial for your child you will receive an email from me.

If you haven’t done so yet, please make sure you have completed the food permission slip here. Also, if you are able, please pay your $30 supply donation in the office or online. Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shaw