Feb. 11-15

Happy Valentine’s Week! Remember our party is this Thursday from 1:30-3:00. Students are welcome to bring a Valentine box or bag to collect their Valentine’s in. Please send 24 cards with just your child’s signature.  No candy or food can be attached.  We will be having cookies and ring pops at the party. 

Important Upcoming Dates
Feb. 14, Thurs. – Valentine’s Day Party 
Feb. 18, Mon. – President’s Day, No School
Feb. 27, Wed.  – Living Aquarium Field Trip *Bus 
Mar. 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5: Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip – Front Runner
**Please pay for field trips at the front desk**

This Weeks Happenings: 
Monday 2/11 – Math Test
Tuesday 2/12 – Library Books are due!!
Thursday 2/14 – Valentine’s Party 1:30-3:00
Friday 2/15 – Math Test, Early Out

Math in Class
Multiplication Madness Facts: 9’s & 10’s. 
Fractions!! We are focusing on equivalent fractions.  Please watch for the family letter to come home. 

Language Arts in Class
We are still working on identifying the problem and solutions in books.  We will most likely test on this in 2 weeks. 

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 

READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****