Feb. 25 – March 1

We have a full week of learning and fun! If you have not paid for your student to attend the field trip, please do so at the front office ASAP!

What’s happening this week
Monday 2/25 – Math Test (equivalent fractions)
Tuesday 2/26 – Library, Please bring your books!
Wednesday 2/27 – Living Aquarium Field Trip
*Please have your child at school on time! We can’t wait for late students. *
Friday 3/01 – Reading Logs are DUE!! & Dr. Seuss DayScreen Shot 2019-02-21 at 9.09.22 AM

Important Upcoming Dates
Mar. 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5: Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip – Front Runner
**Please pay for field trips at the front desk**

Math in Class
We will test this Monday on equivalent fractions and then we will start comparing fractions. We will also be testing our 3’s & 11’s in multiplication. 

Language Arts in Class
Our story for the next two weeks is “King Midas and the Golden Touch”, which falls under the genre of drama/myth.  The comprehension strategy that we will be working on is make, confirm and revise predictions.  Our essential question this week is: How do you decide what’s important?

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****