This Week’s Happenings
Monday – Long Walk to Water Kick-Off Assembly
Tuesday – Spring Pictures (Dress Down) ~ Library * Don’t forget your books
Wednesday- Math Test on Area
Friday – $1 Dress Down to support the “Long Walk to Water”
Upcoming Dates
April 26 – Arts Festival & Food Trucks 5-8pm
May 7 – RISE testing – Reading 12:40-1:25
May 9 – RISE testing – Reading 1:25-2:10
May 10 – Quest Academy Carnival
May 16 – Play Performance – 2:00
May 20 – RISE testing – Math 9:30-10:15
May 23 – RISE testing – Math 8:45-9:30
We are having an assembly on Monday to kick off our school-wide service project: Long Walk to Water. Throughout the week we are challenging students to help raise money by bringing in coins. We hope to raise enough money to donate a water well to provide clean drinking water in Southern Sudan.
Math in class
We are doubling up on math lessons everyday to fit in everything before testing begins. Next up in Measurement is AREA. *WE ARE DOING A CLASS ACTIVITY USING CHEEZE-ITS THIS WEEK. The permission for this was signed at the beginning of the year. If anything has changed and you do not want your child to have cheeze-its, please let me know by email or Bloomz.
MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week. ***Even though our Multiplication Madness is over, please continue to review facts to maintain the fluency that has been developed*** If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****