Aug. 26-30

Our first week of school in second grade was great!! We have been busy getting to know each other, learning our classroom procedures, and daily routines.  It has been a joy to get to know each and every student, and I am looking forward to watching them learn and grow this year. 

This Weeks Happenings
Mon. 8/26: First full day of school & Library (2:30-3:00)
Tues. 8/27: STEM Lab
Wed. 8/28: Code Lab
Thurs. 8/29: Picture Day 
Fri. 8/30: Acadience Testing, Dollar Dress Down, & Early release @ 1:00

Acadience testing (formerly known as Dibels) will begin on Aug. 30th and
 Sept. 3rd from 8:30-10:15.

  • Please make sure your child has had a good nights rest and has eaten breakfast. 
  • Reading aloud to a parent or sibling each night would be a great way to prepare for this! 
**Please signup for Bloomz if you haven’t yet.  Here is the link Bloom
**Please sign the Class Disclosure under the Parent tab
**Please make a $20 class  supply donation to the office if you haven’t yet

 Math in Class
We will begin our 1st math lesson this week. Please watch for a family letter to come home so you can discuss what we are learning with your child. There may be a few worksheets that I send home, but I will let you know on BLOOMZ. 

Reading Homework
Please read 20 minutes every night! I will be sending September’s reading log home with your child this Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions.