Sept. 16-20

We as teachers are always learning how to be the most effective in our teaching and use of your child’s time. We recently learned that    “No research has ever found a benefit to assigning homework (of any kind or in any amount) in elementary school. In fact, there isn’t even a positive correlation between, on the one hand, having younger children do some homework (vs. none), or more (vs. less), and, on the other hand, any measure of achievement.” -Alfie Kohn
Due to these findings, we will continue sending optional math reviews home. They will not be graded or used for data. Simply something for you to see what we are working on in class for that day. We also encourage students to continue reading at home. This is not a homework assignment, but a bonding time between you and your child. Ultimately we want your child to love to read! 
If you have questions about this change, feel free to contact us. 

Thank you, 
Second Grade Team 

This Weeks Happenings
Mon. 9/16: Library 
Tues. 9/17: STEM
Wed. 9/18: Code Lab 
Fri. 9/20:  Math & Reading Test. Early release @ 1:00


  • Our first field trip is coming up on Oct. 3. More information will be sent home on Tuesday, 9/17. 
  • Tutoring starts this Tuesday from 3:00-3:30. I will let you know if your child is needing to attend. 
  • Thank you so much to those that made a supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859. 
  • Please signup for Bloomz if you haven’t yet.  Here is the link Bloom
  • Please sign the Class Disclosure under the Parent tab on this blog.
Math in Class 
We will be learning how to draw and use bar graphs and picture graphs. Please watch for a family letter to come home so you can discuss what we are learning with your child. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!)
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! 20 minutes is a great goal. You are still welcome to complete the Reading log for September and your child can share it with me at the end of the month.   Please let me know if you have any questions.