- This Week’s Happenings:
- Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
- Fri: Halloween Parade 9:00. Party 12:00. Early Release at 1:00
- Next week (Nov. 3-4): Wednesday & Thursday are early release at 1:00 for PTC. No school Friday, Nov. 5.
Announcements: Parent Teacher Conferences are Nov. 3 – 4. If you haven’t already, please sign-up on bloomz.
Halloween (Oct. 29): Please have your child wear their costume to school. Costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Students are welcome to paint their faces and wear Halloween masks; however, those masks will only be worn when directed to do so by the classroom teacher (e.g. during the parade, when a class picture is taken, etc). Weapons and anything that depicts violence are not allowed on school property (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact administration. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.
Reading in Class
- The essential question is: “What are features of different animal habitats?“
- Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Make & revise predictions. Identify topic & main idea
- Spelling Pattern: Phonics Skill – Spelling: Soft c and g; /j/ dge, ge, lge, nge, rge. For example: trace, place, badge, cage, space, ice, bulge, range, barge, mice
- High Frequency words: out, wash, saw
- Our Vocabulary words are: buried, escape, habitat, journey, nature, peeks, restless, spies
Math in Class
We are comparing 3-digit numbers and using symbols to show greater than, less than, and equal to. We will test Nov. 2nd or 3rd. Please see the letter home for examples.
After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!)
**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Your student can return the October reading log this Friday or Monday for a prize.