March 18-22

~ Multiplication Madness party on Thursday, March 28 @ 1:30.  
I will send out a Bloomz message to ask for volunteers for the day of and for supplies. Our class is responsible for:
  • 10 Quarts of Strawberry Ice Cream
  • 5 Bottles of Strawberry Syrup
  • Sprinkles           
~ Curiosity Museum field trip- Wednesday, April 10th 8:15-4:15, Front Runner
    • REMEMBER-I already have the 10 chaperone spots filled!
      • If you signed up to go and plans have changed, let me know ASAP, we have a waitlist.
This Weeks’s Happenings
Tuesday – Library *Remember your books!
Thursday – Language Arts Test & Math Test
Friday – Math Test
**Math Facts to practice: 7’s & 8’s (and any others you haven’t passed off yet, 8 1/2 school days left before the Sundae party!!).
**Keep practicing your poems!! We only have 2 weeks and I would love for everyone to pass off at least 1 poem.

Upcoming Dates
March 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party 1:30-3:00
April 1-5 – Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip, Front runner 8:15-4:15  *Please pay $5 for your child if you haven’t already.  
May 16, Thurs. – Class Play

Math in Class
TIME is flying by! After a quick review on telling time to the nearest minute, we are now working on solving problems by telling time and determining elapsed time.***You can help your child by asking them to tell you what time it is, asking how many minutes until the next hour, how many minutes past the hour, and how many minutes have passed from the beginning to the end of an event.***

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

March 11-15

I hope you all had a good weekend! In the next few weeks, I will introduce the Spring Play to the students and start passing out parts. I will post all of the class play details on the blog the last week of March (the week before spring break). 

This week’s happenings
Tuesday – Library, Please remember your book!
Friday – Math Test  & *Dollar Dress Down Day to support the Quest Junior High to get to the National Rube Goldberg Competition in Indiana. 

**Multiplication Madness is going well. All the students will have a daily opportunity to pass off any facts that they haven’t mastered yet.  We will focus on 6’s & 7’s this week. Your students need to be able to pass of their multiplication facts 0-12 by March 28th.  If you have any questions, read the post from a few months ago with all the details.  Thanks for all your hard work at home!!! 
**Keep practicing poems as well**

Upcoming Dates

March 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5 – Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip, Front runner 8:15-4:15  *Please pay $5 for your child if you haven’t already.  
May 16, Thurs. – Class Play

Math in Class
We will be starting our unit on TIME.  Students need to be able to read an analog clock to tell time to the nearest minute. Please look for the family letter to come home Monday. Next week we  will be learning about Elapsed time.  This is a hard concept for students, so anytime you can talk about Elapsed time during a conversation, it would greatly help! 

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

March 4-8

February has come and gone. I can’t believe that we only have 3 months left of school. Thank you so much to all the parents that came on the field trip.  I was overwhelmed with the help and support of so many, thank you! thank you! I greatly appreciated it! I have the BEST parents. 

What’s happening this week
Monday – **Reading logs can be turned in for 1/2 credit**
Tuesday – Library, Please remember your book!
Thursday – Paper Math Test
Friday – Computer Math Test
**Multiplication facts for the week – 4’s & 11’s. Please practice at home!!

March 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5 – Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip, Front runner 8:15-4:15
May 16, Thurs. – Class Play

This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before March 29. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. We will be doing a class musical in May and this will serve as an audition of sorts. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the picture to view online.
March Poems

Math in Class
We will continue comparing fractions using greater and less than symbols. Please watch for the family letter to come home and discuss it with your child. 

Language Arts in Class
We will continue our story this week with  “King Midas and the Golden Touch”, which falls under the genre of drama/myth.  The comprehension strategy that will we working on is make, confirm and revise predictions.  Our essential question this week is: How do you decide what’s important?

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

Field Trip Reminders!!!

Please be at school ON TIME because we will load the bus promptly at 8:30 AM. We can not wait for late students. 
-Students need to bring a backpack to carry their lunch, water bottle and jacket.       Students can also pack a book, game, etc…
-Students need to wear school uniforms.
-Please do not send money with students.  They do not need to purchase anything there.
-Students can bring devices if parents allow it, but we are not responsible for lost or stolen property.
-Parents can drive their child to and/or from the Aquarium, BUT need to let me know and sign them out (with me) before you leave at the end of the day.

Feb. 25 – March 1

We have a full week of learning and fun! If you have not paid for your student to attend the field trip, please do so at the front office ASAP!

What’s happening this week
Monday 2/25 – Math Test (equivalent fractions)
Tuesday 2/26 – Library, Please bring your books!
Wednesday 2/27 – Living Aquarium Field Trip
*Please have your child at school on time! We can’t wait for late students. *
Friday 3/01 – Reading Logs are DUE!! & Dr. Seuss DayScreen Shot 2019-02-21 at 9.09.22 AM

Important Upcoming Dates
Mar. 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5: Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip – Front Runner
**Please pay for field trips at the front desk**

Math in Class
We will test this Monday on equivalent fractions and then we will start comparing fractions. We will also be testing our 3’s & 11’s in multiplication. 

Language Arts in Class
Our story for the next two weeks is “King Midas and the Golden Touch”, which falls under the genre of drama/myth.  The comprehension strategy that we will be working on is make, confirm and revise predictions.  Our essential question this week is: How do you decide what’s important?

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

Feb. 18-22

Thank you so much to those that helped with our Valentine’s Day party.  I think the kiddos had a lot of fun, and I really appreciate all that you did!! I hope you all enjoyed President’s Day weekend. 

Important Upcoming Dates
Feb. 27, Wed. 8:30 A.M.!! – Living Aquarium Field Trip *Volunteers need to drive because students are riding the bus.
Mar. 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5: Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip – Front Runner
**Please pay for field trips at the front desk**

This Weeks Happenings: 
Tuesday 2/19 – Library books are due!!
Friday 2/22 – $ dress down, Math Test,  & Early Out

Math in Class
Multiplication Madness Facts: 9′s  
Fractions!! We are focusing on equivalent fractions.  Please watch for the family letter to come home. 

Language Arts in Class
We are still working on identifying the problem and solutions in books.  We will most likely test on this standard at the end of this week or the beginning of next. 

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love it if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

Feb. 11-15

Happy Valentine’s Week! Remember our party is this Thursday from 1:30-3:00. Students are welcome to bring a Valentine box or bag to collect their Valentine’s in. Please send 24 cards with just your child’s signature.  No candy or food can be attached.  We will be having cookies and ring pops at the party. 

Important Upcoming Dates
Feb. 14, Thurs. – Valentine’s Day Party 
Feb. 18, Mon. – President’s Day, No School
Feb. 27, Wed.  – Living Aquarium Field Trip *Bus 
Mar. 28, Thurs. – Multiplication Madness Party
April 1-5: Spring Break
April 10, Wed. – Curiosity Museum Field Trip – Front Runner
**Please pay for field trips at the front desk**

This Weeks Happenings: 
Monday 2/11 – Math Test
Tuesday 2/12 – Library Books are due!!
Thursday 2/14 – Valentine’s Party 1:30-3:00
Friday 2/15 – Math Test, Early Out

Math in Class
Multiplication Madness Facts: 9’s & 10’s. 
Fractions!! We are focusing on equivalent fractions.  Please watch for the family letter to come home. 

Language Arts in Class
We are still working on identifying the problem and solutions in books.  We will most likely test on this in 2 weeks. 

MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 

READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Thank you for coming to Parent Teacher Conferences this past week. I loved talking to you about your kiddos and their growth. We will continue our multiplication madness this week by working on 2’s and 5’s. Please work on these facts at home with your child. We already passed off our 0’s & 1’s last week.

Important Upcoming Dates: 
***Valentine’s Day Party on Thursday, Feb. 14***  See information in earlier post
***No School on President’s Day – Mon. Feb.18***
***Living Aquarium bus field trip – Wed., Feb. 27*** Parents need to drive / Unlimited # can attend. 
***Multiplication Madness Party – Thurs., March 28***
***Spring Break- April 1-5th 
***Curiosity Museum field trip – April 10*** Volunteer slots are FULL
Please pay for field trips at the front desk.

This Weeks Happenings: 
Monday 2/04 – Math Test
Tuesday 2/05 – Library Books Are Due!!! 

Math i
n Class

We are continuing to learn about fractions. This week we will be focusing on fractions on a number line.  Please watch for the family letter to come home. 

Language Arts in Class
We will be focusing on finding the problem and solutions as we read.  

**ALL students have been switched to multiplication on Reflex**
MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****

January 28-Feb.01

!!!There is a lot of information in this post, so please read the whole thing!!!

Important Upcoming Dates: 
***Super Bowl Inference Party on Friday, Feb. 01*** See information below 
***Valentine’s Day Party on Thursday, Feb. 14***See information below
***Parent/Teacher conferences are this Tuesday, 1/29 and Thursday 1/31***
***No School on President’s Day – Mon. Feb.18***
***Living Aquarium bus field trip – Wed., Feb. 27*** Parents need to drive / Unlimited # can attend
***Multiplication Madness Party – Thurs., March 28***
***Curiosity Museum field trip – April 10*** Volunteer slots are FULL

Super Bowl Inference Party – Friday, Feb. 01
  • We will be watching Super Bowl commercials and using inference to tell what the companies are trying to sell.
  • The permission slip at the beginning of the year covered the permissions to have orange soda, nacho Doritos, and Twinkies.
    • If you have any objections, please let me know ASAP
Valentine’s Day Party –  Thursday, Feb. 14
We will be having a Valentine’s Day Party on Thursday, February 14th from 1:30-3:00.  
Please send 25 Valentine cards with each of your students on Valentine’s Day to pass out.  (Students can also bring their own Valentine mailbox or bag, we will NOT be making them at school.)  To make passing them out easier, please only have your child sign their name on each card–PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS EACH CARD.  Another reminder, please do not attach candy or food to the Valentine Cards, but you can be creative and do pencils, erasers, etc.

This Weeks Happenings: 
Monday 1/28 – Math Test
Tuesday 1/29 – Library Books Are Due!!! & PTC 3:10-7:30
Thursday 1/31 – PTC 3:10-7:30
Friday 2/01 – Super Bowl party

Math i
n Class

We are starting our fractions unit. Please watch for the family letter to come home. 

Language Arts in Class
We will be focusing on finding the problem and solutions as we read.  

**ALL students have been switched to multiplication on Reflex**
MATH: Make sure that your child is doing Reflex for math and getting the green light AT LEAST 3 times during the week.  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time. 
READING: Please read 20 minutes every night and keep track of your minutes on our reading log. ******* I would love if you would have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 of those minutes!*****