Author Archives: susan.goldsberry

Conference Thursday and Short Day Friday

Before I forget, Tonight, Monday January 25th, is a FREE movie night at Cinepoint 6, sponsored by POQA. They will be showing the Peanuts Movie at 6:30 sharp, so arrive early, purchase your treats and settle in for a really … Continue reading

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Half Way Through and it Makes Me Sad!

The beginning of the 3rd quarter is always a sad time for me as my 3rd graders are getting ready to become 4th graders.   We still have a lot to learn in order to be ready for 4th grade, … Continue reading

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Indoor Snowball Fights and Field Trip Info

I’m so excited to announce our first field trip of the year!  On February 4th, we will be going  to The Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake to see the production Heroes of World War II.  We are still working out … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all other Season Greetings!

This is the last week before Christmas Break, and we will be busy!  We have 2 more sessions of Sage testing to do and should be done by Wednesday with all makeups done as well.  We have our December STEM … Continue reading

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Thank You!

Thank you parents for pulling through with the Cool Whip lids.  We have enough and parent gifts are going to happen!This week is a busy one as we start Sage Interim Testing.  It is also Hour of Code Week.  Many … Continue reading

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December Arrives This Week!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe  Thanksgiving!  We have three weeks to accomplish our December Goals and it’s going to fly by.In the next three weeks we will be working on Parent Gifts (Remember to bring in those … Continue reading

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PLEA for HELP!!!!!

We are in need for more Cool Whip Lids.  We only have 4 and need 25 more.  Please, please, please, see if you can find one for your student.  I would hate to not be able to make the parent … Continue reading

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Prodigy Help!

We have contacted Prodigy and here is their response.  When you tell them what’s happening, they help everyone who is experiencing the same thing:Matthew F (Prodigy)Nov 16, 14:10Hi Susan,Thanks for contacting Prodigy Customer Support!They’re always welcome to email us at … Continue reading

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Twas the Week Before Thanksgiving

I can not believe that November is half way over and this is really the last week we have in school.    I can truly say that your kids  worked hard last week and succeeded in completing 16 centers in … Continue reading

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November News

Thank you for reading all of the posts from last week.  I felt as though I asked for a lot and all of you responded. Keeping this in mind, I’m going to give an update of everything we’re involved in … Continue reading

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