Indoor Snowball Fights and Field Trip Info

I’m so excited to announce our first field trip of the year!  On February 4th, we will be going  to The Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake to see the production Heroes of World War II.  We are still working out some of the details and will post these as soon as we have them all worked out.  

We will also be taking a field trip April 22nd and will release details as it gets closer, but wanted you to know so you can plan accordingly.  1 or 2 other field trips are being looked into, and again we’ll give you details on these as we work out all the details.   

If you haven’t heard about our indoor snowball fight, make sure you ask!

We are testing daily on our multiplication facts and need to have 0 – 12’s passed off by February 12th which will our Valentine/Multiplication Celebration.  It is almost impossible to pass these off if they are not practiced at home.  They have 1 minute to pass off all the facts for 1 number.  Ex. All the multiples of 2 up to 12 x 2)  

Fix It Sentences:  If you haven’t heard about Fix It Sentences, let me fill you in.  Every week your student has 12 to 15 sentences that they edit during centers.  These sentences are done in their Google Classroom Account, and turned in through the website.  I then correct the sentences and “return” them digitally with all mistakes in red.  If they receive less than 80% they may do ALL the corrections and resubmit them for 80% credit.   There are 14 students who didn’t submit their last week’s work, so they were not corrected.

New spelling groups have been formed and the student’s will be told which group they are in tomorrow during centers.
We took the Spelling Inventory and the students were place in groups where their spelling showed they either needed review or to be challenged. 


Math: We are done with Multiplication!  We are starting Area this week and will have some very fun activities to help us understand  this concept.  Math homework should happen 3 nights a week and may be done on the weekend.  Current options for math homework are any of the following:

Reflex Math (If they didn’t get their green light at school)
Chutes and Ladders (Game board was sent home 3 weeks ago)
Multiplicaton War

We will be adding more multiplication games as we learn more of the facts.  Each night of homework is worth 10 points.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.   Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here, please have your child comment when they are ready to share the next day.  They only need to do a book talk once a month, but many of them like to do more:

Book Check In

Spelling Sorts: Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 10 points per sort every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

Panthers:  Sort 1
uskies: Sort 1
ayhawks:  Sort 15
ildcats: Sort 29
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