Homework, food permission and parent conferences

Happy Friday!,
There will be no word study for the week of Nov. 16 to 20. We will be working here in class on ABC order and sight words.

Today I will send home 2 math sheets. One is addition and the other is subtraction. Please have your child work on the addition sheet on Monday, in preparation for our test on Tuesday and the subtraction the rest of the week, to prepare for our upcoming subtraction unit.
I greatly appreciate your help in this!

If you have not viewed the previous post and clicked on the food permission link,  please do that now so that your child can participate in our Christmas unit, Around the World, holiday food traditions.

There are parent teacher conferences scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 19th. If I have not contacted you, but you would like to meet with me, please let me know. I have 2 spots open for this day.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Susan Lindsey
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