Homework and Christmas Party

Happy Monday!,
We will not have homework this week! However, please read with your child daily this week as well as over the Christmas break! The kids will be tested on one minute reading timings right after the break, so we don’t want them to fall behind during that time.
On Friday, this week, we will be having our class Christmas party.  Activities will begin at 10:20, we will have a break from 11:00 to 12:00 and will resume from 12:00 to 1:00. We will be rotating through the different 2nd grade classrooms. The activity for our classroom will be stringing popcorn and cranberry necklaces. I will need help with this since thread will need to be threaded through needles and to help to avoid too many pin pokes to the fingers 🙂 I will be providing pizza for those who are here, so if you have not already let me know you are coming, please do so.

Have a wonderful week!
Susan Lindsey
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