Box Tops, Carnival, Word Study and Talent Show

We are leading in Box Tops right now!! The last collection day is this coming Friday, the 13th. Please send all that you have by then!!!!

Next week will be our last week of word study and homework. Thanks to all who have been diligent in helping your student complete homework. Those who have turned homework in at least 85% will be receiving a fun prize.

We are still in need of help with our school carnival.  If you are able to volunteer please contact Marissa Worley at (801) 389-3731 or  Tickets are on sale now at or on Wednesday May 11th 2:30-3:15 PM, Thursday May 12th 8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM and Friday May 13th  8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM  We are also looking for 2 liter pop donations, please bring them to the Q1 office and receive a ticket to be entered into the drawing!

The carnival will be May 20th 5-8PM, this will be a great night so remember to invite your family and friends!!!

Our First Annual Gala pictures have been edited my our awesome Photography Club and are available for purchase by going to squareup.come/store/poqa and scrolling to the bottom

Our K-5th Talent Show will be on May 23rd. All information can be found by clicking

Have a great rest of the week!
Susan Lindsey

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