Monthly Archives: November 2016

December STEM project and volunteer

Hello!Our December STEM project will be making our own toy from items around the house. I will be sending home some of out STEM forms for you to fill out to plan with your child. This will hopefully be fun … Continue reading

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Welcome Back! Homework and December Celebrations

Welcome Back!,I hope everyone had a fabulous break!This week we will be starting our Around The World activities. The food items were included in the disclosure and I have received everyone’s signature for permission for your child to participate. On … Continue reading

Posted in Love, Mrs. Lindsey | Leave a comment

Happy Thanksgiving!! November STEM project

Tomorrow is $1 dress down day and school is out at 1:00.Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!This photo slideshow created with Smilebox

Posted in Love, Mrs. Lindsey | Leave a comment

Copy and paste this url for the library challenge and to enter your child’s reading hours

Posted in Love, Mrs. Lindsey | Leave a comment

Thank You Veterans!!!! and thank you, Sargeant Josh, for sharing your experiences!

2016-11-11-10-41-40            2016-11-11-12-30-18

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Word study and math sheet for November 7 to 18

Here are the words and math sheet for homework:Group A:1-4Groups B, C and D:1-6-sheet1Math sheet:addition_3digit_2digit_002

Posted in Love, Mrs. Lindsey | Leave a comment

Holiday Baskets and food drive

Click on the link below to see information on items for our class gift basket:holiday-baskets-flyer-for-parents2We are collecting cans for Besst Realty Food Drive. The schools that bring in the most items will be receiving money from the realty company. If … Continue reading

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