Word Study and Poetry Slam

Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am so looking forward to spring!
This Thursday, Feb. 2nd we will be having our
Poetry Slam! It will be at 6:00 pm in the school
gym. Everyone in 2nd grade and parents are
invited. We will be having 6 of our class members
share their poems. All other poems will be displayed
for all to see. We have been working hard on our
poetry unit. There will be light refreshments. I will email
parents of those who will be sharing their poem verbally.

Groups C & D will be taking their test weekly. Groups A and B will continue to take word test every other week. Thank you for your continued homework help! Please continue helping your student with number place value and numbers that are greater than, less than and equal to each other.
Group A words:
1-8 simplified Sheet1

Group B words:
1-11 Sheet1

Groups C and D words:
will be sent home with your child

Have a great week!
Susan Lindsey
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