Back to School Information

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 10.09.09 AM
Welcome to Second Grade
At back to school night I will have a volunteer list for parents to sign. 
I will also have a student of the week sign up sheet. This is your opportunity to sign your student up for the week that he/she will be our student of the week. You are welcome to send show and tell this week and/or email videos or pictures of your child to me, that I can share with the class.
Please bring your child’s signed disclosure form! It is included in the letter that your child received in the mail. Also, please ensure that you have signed the school’s technology policy online. This form should have been signed at registration. This is important so that your child can use technology as soon as we get started.
Here is a copy of our grading scale:

Elementary Grading Scale

4 – 100%-90%The student demonstrates mastery of the standard (can apply and


3 – 89%-80%The student demonstrates proficiency of the standard.

2 – 79%-60%The student is approaching proficiency..

1 – 59%-0%The student is well below proficiency.

6th-9th Grading Scale

A 100%-87%The student demonstrates mastery of the standard (can apply and


B 86%-80%The student demonstrates proficiency of the standard.

C 79%-70%The student is approaching proficiency.

D 69%-51%The student is well below proficiency.

F>  50%The student does not attempt to meet the standard.

Understanding where students are in relation to mastery of Common Core standards helps teachers and parents know if students need additional help, if students are proficient, or if students need further enrichment. At Quest Academy, students grades are determined by student performance on various grade level assessments. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery and proficiency of standards. For example, if a student receives a below proficiency score, he/she will not only be retaught, but will also have the opportunity to raise his/her score by retaking the assessment multiple times throughout the term. We are excited for the implementation of this model and for the opportunities that will be offered our students for academic growth.

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