Grades and Field Trip

Grades are current in our online grade book. Please note that your child will be bringing home graded work. Some scores, on papers, are not the same scores that you will always see online. Grades may be different due to online testing and reteaching. Many times the online testing is more rigorous and difficult than the paper tests that we give.

Thanks for the parent volunteer response for our field trip! Our volunteer availability is now full. Please ensure that you have filled out the permission form and that your child has a school lunch ordered if you are not planning on sending a home lunch. Also, please watch the weather forecast so that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather we will be having on the 3rd. I am hoping for a beautiful, sunny day.
Susan Lindsey 
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3 Responses to Grades and Field Trip

  1. Kerin Stark says:

    I’m Bracen’s grandma. I just found out today about the field trip next week. He wants me to go with him but I just read that only 8 parents can go. Is there already that many parents signed up to go?

    Thank you.

  2. Kerin Stark says:

    Oops, sorry. I just read that the volunteers are already full. Thank you.

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