Homework and Field Trip

Monday will be the beginning of our homework. You can go to the homework page at the top of this page to see the daily expectations. The homework is based around their weekly word sorts, math on Moby Max and reading. The homework schedule will b as follows:
Mondays- print, cut words, sort with an adult and go over what the rule is for the week. (I teach this to the class on Monday mornings)
Tuesdays- sort the words in alphabetical order with a buddy, this could be tough since many of the words are alphabetized by the second letter. They need to be written in a notebook or submitted online.
Wednesdays- sort the words and then write them, in sorted order, in a notebook or submit online.
Thursdays- choose 6 words and write them in a sentence in their notebook or submit online.
Fridays- put notebook in backpack or submit online so that Mrs. Lindsey gets it.
Each day please have your child go on Moby Max and do activities in the math section and read for 20 minutes. Homework can be sent to school with items completed in a notebook, a parent note saying that “we did all we could this week” or submitted online in the e submission area on the blog.
Please don’t let homework become a battle at home. Even if you can have your child spell words out loud as you go on a walk, I’m okay with that!
I will be sending Moby Max log in information along with the spelling group color and sort words for the first week, home with your child on Monday. Please look for it then! I will also post them on the blog if you need them that way.

We are planning to go to Black Island Farms on September 21st. We will be leaving the school at 9:15 in the morning and returning at approximately 1:30. Each child will need a sack lunch, that does not need to be heated, and a water bottle. We will be walking through a farm, learning about vegetables, picking our own pumpkins and doing activities in a field so please dress your child in appropriate shoes that day. It is not a dress down day so the students will need to be in uniform. If your child has a red uniform shirt, please dress him/her in that color. I will repost this information several times before the 21st.
Due to the high cost of transportation- we are asking, and pleading, for a $5 donation from each child. This needs to be paid to the office by September 15th.
We can have parents meet us at the farm as chaperones. Parents will need to pay the office $3.50 by the 15th if they plan to attend. Also, please let me know if you will be attending. Please NO siblings!

Thank you for all your help!
Susan Lindsey

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